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Bethesda announces "Creation Club" (Paid Mods)


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5 hours ago, bjornk said:

Well, I've always interpreted it as a lament for the death of Fallout at the hands of Bethesda. 

That song about sums it up. It sums it up quite well.

Now I am sad :( Knowing that I will likely never experience the pleasure and joy I had in the past with Fallout 3 and to a lesser degree Fallout NV. I was never really a fan of the TES series. so now ... I have nothing to look forward to from Bethesda... except watching the crash and burn that they seem to be having on an almost daily basis.

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They need to hurry up and realize their idiocy and hand over the rights to, at least Fallout, to Obsidian or one of the other companies I can count on my one hand that actually ENJOY making their games and seeing how others play it.  

Take for instance how Bioware is now after ME:A.  The team that's working on the next Dragon Age game has brought in outside talent, less oversight from EA, more of the Origins team is working on it.   I hope it turns out more along the RPG lines of Origins was.  But hey, there is always CDProjectRed!

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I certainly would rather see Obsidian with the franchise than Bethesda. Despite how critical I was with Obsidian in the past, but there were things that I never knew, which now I do that has made me back off a lot on Obsidian. Like I didn't know New Vegas was only developed in 2 years and a lot (and I mean a lot) of content was cut since they were being pushed to release it in two years. The game is still boring to me and I only really like Dead Money, though. But at this point, I think it would be better off in anyone else's hands other than Bethesda.

But since Fallout is now in the same level of TES in terms of their bread and butter, someone would have to come up with a shit ton of money and use their charisma to persuade Bethesda into selling them the rights to the franchise. And that seems extremely unlikely unfortunately.

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I certainly would rather see Obsidian with the franchise than Bethesda. Despite how critical I was with Obsidian in the past, but there were things that I never knew, which now I do that has made me back off a lot on Obsidian. Like I didn't know New Vegas was only developed in 2 years and a lot (and I mean a lot) of content was cut since they were being pushed to release it in two years. The game is still boring to me and I only really like Dead Money, though. But at this point, I think it would be better off in anyone else's hands other than Bethesda.

But since Fallout is now in the same level of TES in terms of their bread and butter, someone would have to come up with a shit ton of money and use their charisma to persuade Bethesda into selling them the rights to the franchise. And that seems extremely unlikely unfortunately.



Credits will do fine,

No they won't...

Yep, Bethesda isn't going to buy that :P

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Simple math shows the Creation Club is a scam and Bethesda rightly thinks their fanboy base is fucking retarded.

'Hellfire Armor' on the Creation Club costs $4.00 U.S.  Since there are already five sets of power armor in FO4 that means each of them is worth $4.00.  So one third of the base game's cost is power armor; FO4 retailed for $60...60/3=20.  Yeah, Bethesda fanboys are proven fucking stupid.  $50 for a season pass to add cut content back to the fucking game, and now the Creation Club is doing more of the same.

'PAY US for deh shit we cut, cuz we duh bess game cumpney evah...You done said so.'

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That's why I would get a good kick if bethesda introduced Karma, Reputation, Playing Meanie, Weapon and Armor degradation on in mod form on Creation Club. That would be a huge slap to the face and they still would be like "Uh muh gud! I lub bubuthusderp! xD


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I don't know if that's indeed the case with the CC mods, but nobody, not even the fanboy modders who expected "big, DLC quality" mods on the CC could pointed out that there would possibly be some issues due to the technical limitations of consoles which would naturally be the common denominator on the CC. 

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Well, Pete Hines reveals the true nature of Bethesda's attitude towards modders and 'the community' on Twitter.  He was responding to Creation Club criticism but the truth slipped out.  Bethesda knows the Creation Club updates break mods and don't work with 3rd party software like LOOT and the script extender...and they don't care.  'Oh?  It makes your modded game unplayable?  SO WHAT...'

Hines also verified what I've been saying about who owns mods and who doesn't.  Responding to criticism about things like the Chinese Stealth Suit and Hellfire Power Armor being both player made free 'mods' and on the Creation Club as 'mini-dlcs'; he clearly stated that Bethesda owns them and players can't claim things made originally by Bethesda.  This directly reflects what the EULAs for FO4 and Skyrim SE state AND it goes against what the official line is at Bethesda.net TOS about player-made content.  In the licenses they detail what Bethesda considers their IP and Hines repeats it on twitter.  'We made it and we own it, even if we didn't make it.'  So not only are they claiming ideas, they're laying claim to original content they had no hand in developing.

I predict Bethesda will intentionally kill off their own fanboy community and adopt the casual console gamer market as a replacement.  The base game, season passes and microtransactions.  Companies that adopt that business model don't care about the PC market, because they don't need them for that type of game to have longevity.  It's a different experience, one PC Bethesda fanboys don't understand or relate to.

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

I do really hope that that is fake... :(

" Here we have items to make Legendary difficulty a bit easier for you, Food and Drink right to your inventory! "   Fallout Cascadia will be the only reason I reinstall F4 in the future.  At launch of Creation Club I uninstalled F4, Skyrim SE, and ESO.  Dragon Age, Witcher and Divinity: Original Sin 2 will keep me going from now on.  

I wouldn't be surprised that some time in the future Bethesda will start wanting any " free mods " that are similar or close to the ones they will put on Creation Club be taken down.   Don't think they will go that way, cause if they do the shit storm that will follow will hurt them badly.  But seeing they are focusing on Xbox and PS rather then anything for PC, it could happen.

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Rebelling against Bethesda at this point is pointless. They didn't even attempt a petition to sign against Creation Club as far as I know. Not that I think it would do them any good. They've gotten weaker since 2015's attempt.

The only shot they have left as a whole community is to hitt them where it hurts the most. But as history has proven, that's not going to happen. Bethesda won. It's time for them to open their arms and welcome Creation Club. Embrace it and learn to live with it. Maybe if they do, Bethesda will toss them a doggy bone every now and then.

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They have done the impossible so far. They have pissed off their most strongest supporters and the rest of the community. They are on the defensive and just sticking by their guns. They have shown a total lack of care for what is being stated except where they can ban their supporters ( like that you-tuber that requested that something be fixed that she thought was wrong.. nothing negative) It is very possible that they would start to request mods be taken down that are like the ones that they have. Even more so with the interview where they state that they own the original concepts (Stealth armor etc) so they aren't taking already created content from the community and putting it on the CC. They are setting the lines up and showing that they own these assets so that when the do (and I believe they will ) start doing takedowns.... they will not care. The question is ... are then going to do it with the current community assets/games or wait until a new game is released with CC included.

I believe if they are continued being attacked for the content on the CC as being copies they will not care and submit take down request (and then take it legal later if needed) to prove their point. They are showing that they are committed to the new program and that they don't give a flying fuck what someone thinks. They will continue down this path in one form or another (only minor alterations like increased record counts possible if they can get Sony to get their jack boot off the modding concept and allow this to happen) I believe they are showing that they are setting themselves up to take on the modding community indirectly (which they are currently) but directly if needed. They are thinking on their future (their concept anyway of that ) and what they desire for the next 1,5,10 year out and what the gaming business will be and they are setting themselves up for that. If that means that they kill what "was" for what they precieve "will be" then they will believe they are doing the right thing. They are showing very scary moves and if you read between the lines it is even more frighting if you like the "status quo". and the modding community as you understand it.

Modding is a market and a commodity. Bethesda and such is a business and they will treat it as such. It is untapped potential and they will exploit it for what they can. To be honest they will succeed in their plan as they will make money on the process and that is all they care about. They don't care about the rich community or protecting it. They believe (and might be correct ) that people will still buy the game. The people they are marketing it to isn't the same people that were the focus of a few years or more ago. It is those that have consoles (or console mentality) and interested in micro transactions etc.

The modding community (at least as far as Bethesda games and the way things were in the past)  is in its final death throws and many still ignore the facts but in time after the shock, anger, sadness there will be acceptance of this. Bethesda knows this and is looking at the long picture (Pete Hines interview shown me this)

The world of Bethesda Modding is dead as we know it.

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4 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I do really hope that that is fake... :(

What do you think it would cost if those leeks were grilled? :D

Yes, none of those is currently on the CC... they are still in development. :D

I saw it on NMA, another funny thing was apparently someone added user tags to it:




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'Donate to my Paetron' was the benign little lump that turned into full-blown modding-for-money cancer.  Bethesda makes dumbed down shit games for a dumb, entitled and goddamned GREEDY shit-stain fan base.  The scene has been tanking since the early days of Skyrim 2011, possibly before that.  It's no longer worth the grief.  I'm just glad Renderosity traffic is picking back up.

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I miss the good old days when modding was frowned upon and people gave you flack for it. At least then most people knew to steer clear after rolling their eyes. But now everyone wants to be in on that punk rock. And this has done damage to the scene because I believe it brought in the wrong type of people. I put some of that part on Nexus for making mods mainstream.

What has disturbed me when it came to paid mods is these modders wanting to get paid throwing a tantrum because they can't change the rules around to accommodate their individual needs. And even though there weren't actual rules etched in stone, it was a code everyone followed. That code kept modding active for a long time. Paid mods came around and these modders who were all for it would rather see it erased. They want to lay the rules.

Modders were hiding their work and taking them down and they didn't care. It mattered more to them getting that pocket change from Bethesda than their fellow modders hiding and removing their work because it introduced a whole new level of mod thievery. That's fucking sad when money matters to you more than the actual mod community itself.

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'Modding is mainstream.'  That's a scorching fucking indictment dude.

I have all sorts of Kendo-wit to interject but I'm just gonna go cry this out in the shower like a white faggot cuck who's seen his wife BBC'd.

EDIT: Might as well join antifa at this point...or vote democrat....or play Blue Whale.

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Like Ritual said earlier, I think any future games Bethesda will release will end up being coded for CC.  From one side I can see why they wanted to do the CC, but how they have done it is completely jacked.  The limitations on file size alone just proves any " DLC " is never going to be on it.  I would have loved to have had a quest to find out exactly what transpired in the Capital Wasteland between the ending of F3 and DLC to what happens in F4.  If it had been on the level of Dead Money, or Lonesome Road, I most likely would have paid to get it and do the quest.  Prices in CC are about how I used to treat soda machines when growing up.  Shove my arm up drop point and yank down soda's, go to school and charge 50cents a can in middle of class.  Ripoff when the soda only cost 25cents, but hey fools bought them.

I plan on waiting patiently for the next few " honorable " companies game releases and see how it goes.  I have found that mods of the more exciting mods for any current games I own are hosted on either a mod authors patreon, tumblr, and other sites.  For very cool mods that I enjoy I toss a bit of cash to them as a thanks for letting me enjoy the work.  I don't pay a large sum, say I got an extra $100 I will just set aside 20 or so and not use it, just so if I come across a mod authors work and really like what they have done, I help out.  Not because I was asked, or " because mod authors should be paid " but because I found enjoyment in what was done.  Very cool dwemer storyline that takes me back to Tel Vos and it allows you to claim a small island north of Winterhold for a Telvanni Stronghold?  Along with a few new hard dungeon fights?  Yes, thanks heres $10's.  That to me would show a mod author more appreciation that someone enjoyed it enough to donate some money of their own free will, versus giving money to them to get the mod.   But hey this is just me.

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The best solution to prevent them from changing anything in your Skyrim or FNV installation is to remove the  Steam DRM dependency from your game. Find the pirated (i.e. cracked executable) version game on torrents and open (do not run) the cracked executable and the original side by side, then delete the part(s) calling theSteam DLL in the original executable... And you'll never have to run the Steam client again in order to play these games... No more unwanted updates and other shit.

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