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Bethesda announces "Creation Club" (Paid Mods)


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Even if someone was a fan boy, I can't see them fixing this. It works. (suppose to at least and so far from reviews does) Why add textures and shit to it. Create your own,hell they had to do almost the work to create it. There is a free mod available on Nexus. If you have to fix something give a hand fixing that up.

Now I can see people going ... cool. I will get the Creation Content (pay for the DLC on top of that) and then get x and y mod to make it better.

These are the same people that bitch because they have to download 2 or 3 mods to get one to work. WTF, seriously. Is stupid in the water they drink? Dam, I will admit I wanted the Creators Club to be something, worthy of course with the promised "DLC Sized" content. (AKA falascaar)  Little did I know they were referring to the horse armor (pun intended ;) ) However, even this shit is shocking me, knowing as I do how badly Bethesda can fuck this up. Never thought they would do this so badly and then the community to come up and lick the shit off Bethesda's dick after it sticks it in your ass nice and deep. (sorry for the vulgarities, I usually don't go that level but I can't think of any other way to describe what is happening now. The level of disgust I have. My brain is literately shutting down at the sheer stupidity of the situation.)


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Yeah, that's the gist of it. creating other options for CC mods only motivates people into buying CC mods. Because it now adds a bit more value to the CC mod making it closer to worth buying.

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It's funny how Bethesda keeps saying that it's not "paid mods", but they are selling "mini DLCs", which are made by 3rd parties and not by the original developer... And what the heck is a mod anyway? It's literally a DLC made by a 3rd party... So they are basically selling mods to stupid people who can't put two and two together. :D 

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The only thing for me that will remotely come very very close to convincing me is the way they are really good at creating open immersive worlds. If TES6 is in Argonia, Elsweyr or even Valenwood, that's going to really going to be tempting, I won't lie.

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Back in 2011 I bought Skyrim and did maybe two playthroughs without mods and focused on the main quest.  Then I uninstalled it.  About a year later (when Bethesda was done patching and fucking things up) I reinstalled the game and played with mods and all of the dlcs.  That was when I started exploring the world with different character builds.  That was also when I started modding it.  The game was fun for a while.

I had intended to do the same thing with FO4, that is until I played it.  The same stale Bethesda formulas didn't impress me and the story was a joke.  That along with all of the bugs was too much to overlook.

I was going to switch over to Skyrim64bit eventually; the operative word being was, as in past tense, as in not gonna happen now.  With the Creation Club being what it is and what Bethesda/Zenimax is doing to the games people already have installed, I won't be switching to the 64bit version.

I have no faith and ZERO trust in Bethesda now.  They did that themselves.  But now I look at all games with caution, no matter who the creator and publishers are.  If I can't see actual game play footage and get unbiased opinions then I'm not spending my money.  And season passes and pre-order are out of the fucking question.

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7 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

Bethesda broke the needle on my bullshit meter with FO4.  Nothing will surprise me now, aside from them making something with awesome game play and a good story.

Well hopefully they will do that and shock all of us.. however, I seriously doubt that will ever happen, especially with the current admin at that company.

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6 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

The only thing for me that will remotely come very very close to convincing me is the way they are really good at creating open immersive worlds. If TES6 is in Argonia, Elsweyr or even Valenwood, that's going to really going to be tempting, I won't lie.

Yes, it would be tempting... until they try to sell you the trees and plants for this open world land along with the armors and weapons and perhaps even spells. Basically they give a flat world and a few quest and yo have to pay for the rest in micro transactions. They will even blame the users by saying that  the users want a more open world that they can enter and change to suit their wants... Now other than the base, you can grow and develop the TES world the way you want it.

Between them and EA twisting their words so badly.. I can't understand why more aren't angry or even someone suing them. I mean the majority of players of these games are mature, adults * They should be seeing how much shit is being thrown at them, shouldn't' they?

Now.. if they came out and stated the DLC type would be smaller records to equal to Xbox and playstation restrictions etc, etc and was honest... then I wouldn't have a problem with them. I wouldn't like it but liking something is totally different than getting pissed at being lied to by a series of double talk.

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These companies get away with it because they can. I said back in 2015 that the whole paid mods was exactly a pyramid scheme, except it's legit. In other words, it's legal. Creation Club is the exact same shit. Well, almost. You don't pay any admission to enter CC and go off and recruit others, but you are dicked over in profit. The modders that jumped all over paid mods back then and now are too naive to understand that they are being played.

I still wish we were able to see what's in that contract. if it's anything like a contract with a major record label, that means their asses are tied to Bethesda until they meet that criteria before they can opt out. But who knows. We can all pretty much agree that what ever is written in there has some bullshit in it.


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They have no choice. if they want CC to be successful, it's going to take big mods to captivate the minds of the ones currently on the fence about it. And when those big mods roll out, the war is over.

Bethesda is downing that mug of petty tears. :evilish:


Oh, and look at this.

They think it's funny, but that's actually provocative. Things like this could really piss bethesda off and it could be game over for Nexus and other sites. That's definitely not a smart thing to do.

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That swf file is proprietary to the game.
(g) Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise modify the Software, in whole or in part;
(h) Remove or modify any proprietary notices or labels contained on or within the Software; and/or

If you use a flash decomplier to access locked assets of the game (like proprietary notices) them you've just violated the limited software license.  Not that I really care since ALL of this involves a website owned by a cunt, a greedy company that makes shit games, and a game I hate.  They all need to keep churning and burning.  *takes selfie with the carnage in the background*

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Yeah I'm just laughing at the tons of pages of praises on that comments of that mod. This very well could backfire really bad on Nexus. really bad.

It also doesn't help that it's in 2nd spot in top 5.

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Holly crap there are a shit ton of recent negative reviews. Want to have fun... ? Check those out. It is everything that we have said as well as more. They are just fucking shit up left and right with this CC and the way they are handling the community and their customers.

I bet if they released another Fallout or TES right now... it would belly flop so badly due to this crap  that they have been doing. Doesn't matter how much people ant a new TES/FAllout they will not buy it (at least not the modding community and their "fans" they might get some to buy it but nowhere near what they did before)

Way to go Bethesda.. start this shit right after EA gets curb stomped for their shit handling of MEA.

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OH... and... Minor list/rant of changes to make this better. (Large Rant/Explanation) Feel free to argue against any or all of my points. :D

  • In the next month or so (or as soon as humanly possible) release a proper sized DLC for 5~8 dollars of credits. If there is some reason not to... show us what is coming in this regard so that people can see that they are serious in providing a real DLC experience with new "real" content not re-Skins. Even if it means they delay some other project and put their own people on creating this content. This could easily be presented as a "proof of concept" project by them. Doing this will push interest in the project, minimize the claim of microtransations (not remove it but minimize it) and perhaps gather interest in others working on something for the future.
  • Knock the prices of those items that are small re-skins armors (ESL products)  etc to something much more reasonable. No more than a $1 for those. (So that 5~8 dollar DLCs would be reasonable.) At their current prices any real DLC content would be close to half if not the entire price of the game as the months go on, due to the decrease and sales of the actual game. Not Cool. Also this would encourage someone to use some of the "free credits" that they are offering. Set up regular "specials" which could be done monthly before a set of new content is released. It shouldn't cost them much, if they create sales after their initial "cost" from paying the modder for the rights to the project is done. So a $1 re-skin would go down to perhaps .25~50 depending on what it is or demand. A full set of armor... .50 cents, a re-skin, perhaps .25 cents. Then people with change from their purchase of the previous mentioned large full DLCs would be more likely to purchase a few re-skins or another armor etc. Then, the community would be less inclined to be complaining about the greed of Bethesda. They would still make a shit ton of money over time. Don't believe it.. check any popular mod in the Nexus or other site that has been up for a number of years. Calculate the profit on number of downloads... ;)
  • Fix that dam download of the assets ASAP. Also if humanly possible fix it for the console. If not make a public statement on this issue and make it clear when it is going to be fixed and for the consoles ... why it can't be and what they are trying to do to fix it.
  • When releasing a new game... provide for the tools for everyone upon release of the game. Not months and months later. make sure this Creation Content is available from day one. The tools must be complete, functional (as much as they have been in the past) as possible for ALL modders and easily obtainable. Don't put it behind some membership requirement etc.
  • When making a public statement put that statement out to your community representatives and key individuals in the community. Have a discussion with them on the upcoming announcements and plans. Work with them to both understand what is in their minds but mainly to be able to phrase it properly so that the community isn't getting more confused and hostile as a result of some public statement. Much of what they stated is "true" however, in actually was very misleading. This is really causing a serious issue with hostility to Bethesda which could have been better mediated if phrased a bit better in the first place.
  • Not related to Creation Club but indirectly. Work with the community for a listing of scripts that are essential to the modding community and their creations. Try all possible options to get these included into the main engine. Bethesda has the source and can make these much easier and likely more stable on their end. This would greatly benefit all modders including the Creation Club modders as well as I suspect, consoles since they would have more options for mods and mods could be created across the board more available for all platforms.

Do the above and a much happier community r/t Creation Club would be the results. People want so badly to like Bethesda. They want so very badly to continue having the experiences that they loved so much from Fallout/TES games in the past. They want to give Bethesda money and loads of it. All that Bethesda has to do is create an environment for this to happen and stop fucking around.


Edited by ritualclarity
Was mistaken about the Creation Club having a paid DLC for 7.99 It was just added Credits You don't have to pay for a DLC to get this.
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