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Bethesda announces "Creation Club" (Paid Mods)


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Bethesda is trying to say Survival mode is worth one quarter of the price of the base game.  Think of 1/4th of everything in Skyrim.  If aftermarket Survival Mode is equal to that amount of content it's ONE BAD BITCH.  Too bad that isn't case...too bad for Bethesda anyway.

People had better get used to the idea of a new $60 Bethesda game having $30 worth of content, because that's the market model they're aiming for.  Single player action adventure games with a few RPG elements and LOTS of 'dlc' microtransactions.  I guess MMO style loot boxes are next.  Note to Bethesda: YES, please do that too....you assholes.

The thing is, their games aren't good enough to follow 'the money' like they want to.  But at least we have their older games so we can reflect back on when Bethesda was a gaming company first and a greedy corporation second.

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Bethesda's endgame: Fuck hiring more professional game developers having to pay them the wage they deserve, we'll just hire some deadbeats and give them a one time payment while we take all the royalties. We'll do this for all of our titles.

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Yeah, saw that earlier today.

Skyrim Survival Mode:  Let's steal Frostfall, INeeds and Campfires and put them all into one mod and then pretend it's Bethesda IP...and never acknowledge the real mod authors or the original work.  I'd like to see Pete Hines double-speak and weasel his way out of giving a valid explanation for that shit.  AND Bethesda already broke its own 'rules' about not taking other people's work and uploading it to the Creation Club, or the rule about a mod being released for free and then uploaded to the Creation Club.  Skyrim Survival Mode is just that.  Bethesda didn't come up with the ideas and scripting, they stole them.

I know enough about Skyrim papyrus scripting to understand there is only ONE ROUTE from point A to point B in a script.  It's not like how things were for Oblivion, FO3 or NewVegas; where there were any number of scripting possibilties to accomplish the same result.  Skyrim scripting doesn't work that way since there is only one way.  I've been saying for long fucking time that Bethesda thinks they own anything made to work with their games, and Survival Mode on the Creation Club proves it.

What's sad at this point isn't the Creation Club or the Bethesda fanboys still defending their bullshit.  What's really SAD is Bethesda itself.

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I don't think it's the way you seem. I've had a feeling ever since realizing that Chesko hasn't updated Frostfall for about a year now, I bet he's part of Survival Mod. I'm not surprised if so. I mean he was in the bandwagon for paid mods. And so was Isoku who did INeeds. It's all coincidental to me. I think they are hiding behind the curtain and don't want to be acknowledged for their own safety from what happened in 2015's paid mods with all the threats.

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I don't think it's the way you seem. I've had a feeling ever since realizing that Chesko hasn't updated Frostfall for about a year now, I bet he's part of Survival Mod. I'm not surprised if so. I mean he was in the bandwagon for paid mods. And so was Isoku who did INeeds. It's all coincidental to me. I think they are hiding behind the curtain and don't want to be acknowledged for their own safety from what happened in 2015's paid mods with all the threats.

If that's the case then Bethesda has still broken one of their 'rules' since the content already exists in a free state.  And I wouldn't doubt that Bethesda is trying to recruit popular modders to fill their servers (and coffers) with content (and money).  Your scenario is probable, but then so is mine.

  • Bethesda stakes claim on IP they don't own; very possible.
  • People like Chesko and Isoku whore themselves for paid mods; very possible.
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It isn't copies... It is stuff they created for previous games... um.. until it isn't.. lol

^ statement on the power armor^

I really don't care. Let them copy to their hearts content. It just means that there is even less of a reason to buy or use their Creation Club assets. They had an opportunity to create something that might have been acceptable and they have done one thing after another wrong. I doubt things will change going forward. They will just keep on finding things to do wrong.

The definition of Stupid:

Continuing to do something that failed in the past expecting something to change.

Bethesda is all manner of stupid in this regard.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gonna give my two cents on something that's been bothering me for a while now. I have to get it off my chest.

The mod scene to me is becoming a rotten shit stain as time goes by. I'm starting to see modders and their little patreoni shit all over their sigs and I'm already seeing the dark future in modding. I predict that modders are eventually going to start releasing demo mods only to lead people to get the full version behind patreon by paying for it. I'm seeing more and more the trend of modders using patreon and their platform of their finance. And i'll be honest. I'm not dropping one cent to any of these selfish morons.

I see this shit infecting other games. I'm sure beth loving fanboys are going to migrate to CP2077 and use that as their next source for revenue.

Bethesda started this whole division, and modders will be the ones that finish it.

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By and large the Bethesda fan base has been overran by fucking retards.  Just look at the grab-asstic cluster fuck that is Lover's Lab.  Bethesda games have always been kind of a joke but the 'unity of the community' made it seem less loathsome.  Now there's just a stinking miasma clinging to the whole scene.  My cut off point for Bethesda modding is now New Vegas.  I never bothered with FO4 and mesh work for Skyrim fucking sucks; totally not worth it.  And with how things are now, it is even less appealing...but I'm not a sorry Millennial fuck who can't get a real job, so the 'new way of doing things' doesn't interest me.

One thing though, if I ever see a Bethesda mod behind a pay wall I'll report it and the hosting site to Bethesda in a heart beat.  Trolling at its finest. :D

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16 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

 I'm sure beth loving fanboys are going to migrate to CP2077 and use that as their next source for revenue.


I believe the average "beth loving fanboys" can't handle CDRed games. They are too hard. They sit in their corner crying and/or pack their bags and move on. They can't handle a complex, rich and diverse game. They need it simple, dumbed down and easy to beat and play. This was the trend with the last few games (look at Morrowind then Fallout 4 ;)  you can see where things got simple. Where your actions really didn't mean much except maybe a slight different comment.

Also, modding CDProjectRed's games are much more complex to do not to mention actually working on creating mods. It isn't for the faint of heart. I don't see to many "beth loving fandboys" moving to mod for that game. Also over at "that other site" :P they are trying to come together to create a game of their own instead of dealing with problems of possible future releases of Bethesda games. This tells me that this is the case. Now, real talented mod authors with real skill and determination, might very well move over to CP2077, and that I would invite. People with the skills to make mods and such. Not the individuals / people that come to mind when someone mentions "beth loving fandboys" ;) Anyway that is my 2 and 1/2 cents. :P

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15 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

One thing though, if I ever see a Bethesda mod behind a pay wall I'll report it and the hosting site to Bethesda in a heart beat.  Trolling at its finest. :D

Reporting would be fun, however, I don't know how much that would help. We both know how much of the games original assets have been "used" to create mods and other assets even ported over to other games (from Bethesda) and know that they know this is going on and nothing is happening.  I doubt they will do much to prevent people from hiding mods behind paywalls. They are too busy fucking around and such to actually take care of business (making decent games and protecting their assets)


Kendo likely knows of more assets that I am unaware of that has been "used" ... ;) I can really only tell the most obvious "use" assets and am aware of others that others have broken down and shown me. I am just a dumb alien with this "stuff". Which is really bad if I can see these "used" assets and nothing is happening... :(

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  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Doublezero said:

They hid the original Skyrim on Steam?! I didn't think I could find more reasons to hate Bethesda.

It's still available, but it's hard to find. It's been like that for a long time now. They deliberately did that when SSE launched so people would buy SSE instead of classic Skyrim.

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2 hours ago, Doublezero said:

 At least we can find it through search engines.

For now... Search results won't stay the same forever. When people stop searching for Skyrim LE and click on the link in the search result, Google will remove that link too. Steam keeps the app for the people who already own it, but Bethesda doesn't want you to buy it, that's why it's no longer listed on Steam. 

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