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Cyberpunk 2077 Discussion, News etc.


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  • The character development is limited. It would be great if there were sliders for many of the items listed. To get the color or other options you wanted. (like gender choices)  That being said.. the game has a decent development section where you can get decent characters. Keep in mind other than a few cut scenes, inventory management and mirrors you don't see your character in game. My last character I played, I'd forgotten how he looked for one of the final scenes. (no spoliiers)
  • The bugs aren't really all that bad for the PC gamer experience. The majority of what is being shown and bitched about is from the console games which they themselves admitted wasn't done. Really bad for the Sony experience. The devs were pushed and told to do way more than they could do in the t ime given. This world is MASSIVE. It is alive... and a metric SHIT TON of side missions and other things you can do unlike another RPG creator ;) Don't believe me.. just watch Twitch gamers that are playing this game on a Decent computer.  You will see the game isn't as bad as those videos. Bad at points yes. but the past two patches has fixed many of my complaints
  • . The character background details are missing and seriously missing in game play. It is details that would be great for your head cannon and if they followed through and added it to the interactions like they (lightly ) covered with the other life path choices.. the interactions would be much more dynamic. Now they are just choices (which by the way mean nothing in the end. Nothing has changed when ignored )
    • The Tatoos.. suck. There are only a few choices and I can't find any that really fit. They are TOTAL BODY tatoos. Not locations .. that is a feature that would really make the character creation really work
  • Another thing that has been changed is the phone calls. Not mentioned so far in the video that I can see. There is actually a video playing for the character calling.. (top left) now it is just plain boring.
  • There was a big deal about Joytoys (prostitutes) and as far as I can find there is only one male and one female in the ENTIRE GAME.  Many hints and other things that might be .. but just isn't.
  • Houses.. that would be nice but.. from some videos I have seen and from V's window I can see the house. . a massive upgrade if you are on the right path and choosing the right ending. But so far only one house. That is at the end or very near end.
  • Yea.. no matter what choices you have for that miltek chick mission jackie just goes to the same location and waits. NO assist. I do miss that a lot.
    • Having the flathead would be AWESOME. those that don't play the game.. this bot would make a big BIG difference in the Net Runner build.. I can't state how much this bot would help.
  • The city is massive. There are lots and lots of places to explore. I can't think of another game with as much to explore and do.  So many side quest that even in the prologue you can build your character and get the highest Street Cred and fully buff out your character before you even decide to go back to the main quest line (finish the progloge or ACT 1)  They had to spend so much time and effort on this. Likely that was being built the entire time the game was being developed ... even when they revamped the main story and removed all the above mentioned items. I personally think they should have focused on the main story, the features that they stated and advertised to be given and left some of the fleshing out quest and city options out.. to be developed after release and bugs were fixed. The main story would still be over 20 hours of play min but it would be great! then flesh out many many parts of the city and quest as they develop the game further.
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It's amazing to see how some people who were defending FO76 and kept saying "I'm having fun, therefore it's not bad", are now defending this game and shitting on Bethesda. Whatever they are having fun with is, by definition, good and it's only bad when they're no longer having fun with it. It's the kind of egotistical thinking, which is, to me an obvious sign of low IQ.

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10 hours ago, bjornk said:

It's amazing to see how some people who were defending FO76 and kept saying "I'm having fun, therefore it's not bad", are now defending this game and shitting on Bethesda. Whatever they are having fun with is, by definition, good and it's only bad when they're no longer having fun with it. It's the kind of egotistical thinking, which is, to me an obvious sign of low IQ.

One problem with that judgement... This game is the first Turd that the company made... Bethesda like CD Project Red was a golden child in the past. However, unlike CD Project Red.. Bethesda has created turd after turd and has done so many bad things.   If someone is shitting on Bethesda.. it is important to understand why.... if it is only Fallout 76 as a game.. then yes. I agree with you. If it is the ongoing trend that they have been following for the past 6~10 years (or more) then I would disagree.  The same goes for someone that wants to shit on CD Project Red for their practices related to Cyberpunk. Their releases of the console games in such a horrible state as that Sony would D-list the game. That it was totally unplayable. Even though the PC version is, even for those people pilling on the shit on the game, state is playable buggy but playable and people are enjoying the game..  In CD Project's case.. like the video prior stated.. was such a shit show that in one week was enough material to use that took Bethesda over a year to make. It is the context of their "shitting" that is important to me. If it is well thought out and based on facts and information.. then their shiting is valid and shows someone with a decent IQ.. if it is just shitting like some playing the game are doing now.. then yes, I agree with you @bjornk they have an extremely low IQ. Th type of IQ that means they can't walk and chew gum at the same time. The type that is dangerous as that type of IQ imo has a tendency to infect others.

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25 minutes ago, driftscape said:


Probably at some point it'll happen. Or maybe this was before one of the patches.

As far as I know these are from pre-release or very early day one release videos.  They are short and very brief. I won't lie.. I have had some of the various glitches. I seen palm trees do their weird lay down. I had arms stretch out in strange Bethesda manners and some characters drop below the ground partially. In the PC (forgot, some of these might be xbox or playstation which is known to be totally or near totally unplayable.) it is playable. There are glitches but they seem to be corrected and getting better. However, to be honest... the last time I played I had many of the car issues (minus the explosions) the problems with cars / trucks merging with each other and causing all sorts of havoc.  It is a long way from being even complete release ready where I can be confident to advise anyone to buy the game.  Not at the 60 dollar or more cost.  That being said.. the game is fucking huge. The side missions are many, perhaps more than any game I am aware of in recent days.  Different types from rescue to execution ones.  There are funny ones as well. One where you rescue a man that is having penis implant issues... lol. Have to drive him to the ripper doc (a doctor that deals in cyber implants)  I have seen some easter eggs referencing Terminator (where the truck drives off the road into the man made canal (not sure what is is called)  and others that I can't remember off the top of my head now.

 I have played 82.5 hours.. this is the most I have planed on my 100+ games other than Bethesda games. I am on only my second serious play through now. Haven't even gone through the aCT 1 yet. (the mission most see on videos by CD Project Red. ) Where you get Johnny Silver Hand. It is a compelling game otherwise I woudn't have put that much time into it.  It sucks that it isn't the game they advertised.. secondly and slightly lesser, that it is a buggy game. Even now. If you watch Twitch feeds it is playable and works well most of the time but there are many bugs that they run through. They, mostly having rigs much better than even mine. So it can't be due to low specs.

I don't blame the devs.. according to news reports they seem to be as angry with the push of release as us consumers if not more so. It is the publishers. they were the ones that wanted a nice cash infusion into the company and didn't give a flying fuck about the game or rep. Hopeing all the positive rep they had could absorb the poor game. That is what I believe IMO.  that makes what was done even more sinister than Bugthesda releases. 

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6 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

I don't blame the devs.. according to news reports they seem to be as angry with the push of release as us consumers if not more so. It is the publishers. they were the ones that wanted a nice cash infusion into the company and didn't give a flying fuck about the game or rep.

Oh, it's the "publishers" huh? You're a clueless CDPR apologist. It was CDPR who misled the publishers, the investors, as well as the customers and now they're getting their asses sued.

Ahahaha... my sides! 🤣

Edited by bjornk
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1 hour ago, bjornk said:

Oh, it's the "publishers" huh? You're a clueless CDPR apologist. It was CDPR who misled the publishers, the investors, as well as the customers and now they're getting their asses sued.

Ahahaha... my sides! 🤣

Then you didn't read the news that the devs the ones that were working on this game was bitching at the publisher that released the game. Who is the clueless one... Go on your aimless, unfounded and baseless rants to someone else. 

Apologist...? Seriously, have you read my post.. I HAVE THE GAME... You don't.  I know what is going on... you don't other than some bullshit artist that plays hours and hours of game play to gather up the glitches to make a montage. By the way.. several of those clips you see on all these videos .. are repeating badly.. from the same video clip.. just reworked again and again. Same angle and the like.  Also... you didn't read my post stating that this game isn't sell-able. That I'd not advise anyone to buy it. It isn't worth the money.  Apologist? YEA RIGHT, MY ASS.

Finally I never stated that they shouldn't be sued.

They deserve to be sued. The customers deserve a refund for the game regardless of platform due to the serious defects that have been shown to be present in the game. The investors need to sue the publisher as well as remove all those involved in the blanket lies that they obviously committed (primarily not allowing the console games to be reviewed by reviewers and refusing to allow actual game footage to be released by those that had the PC version.. but not only the above.)

Apologists.. yea.. go pull your head out of your ass so that you can see the text ... repeatedly stating this game isn't one that I would advise anyone to buy. I am not jumping on the hate wagon. I am keeping a clear head and have the game to actually reference and know more of what the fuck is going on that you do.

I can enjoy the game and play it as much as I dam well want to ... in no way makes it a sell-able game.. Doesn't make what they did right.

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56 minutes ago, driftscape said:

So the investors are not to blame here. They deliberately went along as if the game was ready to be released. OOOF! So much for their goodwill. I'm seeing it flush down the toilet.

Yes... they were just as much duped as those that bought the game.  I am sure they lost a great deal of short term profits from that. Not to mention the cost in man power just to fix all those bugs will greatly cut into the profits going forward. 

On that note.. the more I see them do in patches. How much they are fixing each time a patch is released... (large ones at that always bigger than a gig if I am not mistaken.. the game is ~60 gigs) There are loads of more patches needed to just fix those issues in play ability not to mention performance.  I don't have the new cards but from what I have heard from Discord users that do.. the card is running like shit with the game. They have to turn off those features just to get decent / reasonable frame rates that they'd get from other similar games.  Which makes the game look really bad compared to what it should look like.

The video with that strange guy singing about Cyberpunk is pretty accurate. In one week they managed to create as much negative news as Bethesda did in a year.  Talk about a golden child falling from grace.. They fell from the heavens,  hit the ground and just keep on digging...

Those that I know are playing the game are enjoying the game so much even with all the glitches and problems. ... Imagine how well they'd be doing (CD Project Red) if they just released a stable reasonably bug free game?  Even though I am enjoying the game... I will just have to request that I get gift cards for future purchases (from games and anything else )  I could just as easily had a horrible experience. (if it was on the console instead of PC version) and to be honest.. I can still have a horrible time.. who knows how much they will do to fix bugs, what level of DLCs they will create and if or if not they will follow through with their Expansions. Might just end up with the equivalent of horse armor and not much else.  Could end up with them just stopping work like what happened to Mass Effect Andromeda.  Or.. even future patches be shit to the point that I can't have a playable game.  They lied about the consoles and many other things, they can be lying about what they plan on doing or how much they will do. Eventually, if this becomes a money sink they will stop.

If anything this is all the proof that one needs to never pre-purchase any game or product. If the golden child CD Project Red .. can drop this fast and this badly... any company can do the same.

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Regarding the intro in that last video, I have untold numbers of hours in Skyrim. Never finished the main quest even once.  🤣


For my part, I'm going to let Cyberpunk percolate. For a good long while. Wait for the (maybe) multiple DLCs to get out first. Especially good if they really do get 3rd person mods going. (I saw a quick demo last week of one.) First person and I just don't get along. 🤣

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Eh.. Jim is fun occasionally. Mainly when he's smacking Bethsoft around.  Then again, that is low hanging fruit. 🤣


He's really fixated on "crunch" though. Virtually everything has crunch. I had a "crunch" during finals every semester. I get a "crunch" when I have to scramble to update mods for a game update. (Usually it only lasts a weekend but it's still there!) It's just the way making software goes. Right before release you're always going to be working extra. Sometimes it's a frenetic multiple week grind. Better planning can reduce the crunch when it arrives, but it's always going to arrive. And certainly if you've got crappy management it's going to be hell and you'll probably push out Bethsoft level work. 😈

However, if you're in a good team.... I actually like it. You're busy, you're doing some of your best work and at the end you have a hopefully successful rollout. Then, after any release stuff is quelled, you usually get a bunch of time off OR reduced work load. What's not to love? 🤣

That said, if you're too far from being done, POSTPONE. A lot of the bigger studios seem to have trouble with that. 🤪


I'm reminded of his review of the Last of Us ....whatever. (The game has 0 interest for me, so I don't care either way.) His conclusion was the game was "too long". His point was you were stuck in a depressing, terrible setting with a story full of bad things. And... you spend too much time in it. He said all that, and couldn't simply admit he didn't like it. It gave me the impression he couldn't say he didn't like it for fear of being "on the wrong side". I haven't seen a lot of his videos but after that I was always cautious with him. I tend to go scorched earth with SJW's these days. Side with them a little and I'm breaking the launch nukes button. 🤣

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21 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Then you didn't read the news that the devs the ones that were working on this game was bitching at the publisher that released the game. Who is the clueless one... Go on your aimless, unfounded and baseless rants to someone else.

That news article you and everyone else were talking about literally says that some of the CDPR staff reacted angrily at CDPR "management" during an "internal video meeting". Nobody was "bitching at the publisher", which is technically impossible anyway, as they publish their own games. There was no external influence involved in the making of this garbage that you call "compelling". All decisions were made at CDPR, all lies were told by CDPR.


If you were somehow trying to make a distinction between the "decision makers" (e.g. producers, studio leads, designers) and the rest of the overworked staff, which is rather pointless and irrelevant cause nobody blames those people for doing what they were told to do, and you made a rather poor job making that distinction.

21 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Apologist...? Seriously, have you read my post.. I HAVE THE GAME... You don't.  I know what is going on... you don't other than some bullshit artist that plays hours and hours of game play to gather up the glitches to make a montage. By the way.. several of those clips you see on all these videos .. are repeating badly.. from the same video clip.. just reworked again and again. Same angle and the like.  Also... you didn't read my post stating that this game isn't sell-able. That I'd not advise anyone to buy it. It isn't worth the money.  Apologist? YEA RIGHT, MY ASS.

You immediately start your defense of the game by the same old argument "you haven't played the game" and then try to dismiss the compilations of bugs shown in videos, cause you haven't seen them in your game. The kind of attitude expected from an apologist or a fanboy. Yes, I don't have it and I have not played the game, but I have watched several LPs of it and personally witnessed some of those bugs as I watched, at the same time as the person playing it. The bugs and glitches aren't the only problem with this game. It has major design flaws, which you tried to dismiss in an earlier post as expected from an apologist. In terms of technology it cannot even compete against 10-15 year old games as shown in dozens of videos. In terms of game play it offers absolutely nothing that hasn't been done before, and better, in the past two decades. Today's "low standards" for good games that you seem to complain about was created by the very people who called garbage games as "compelling" games and I truly regret the time I've wasted discussing video games with them, as if their opinions have any value.




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1 hour ago, bjornk said:

That news article you and everyone else were talking about literally says that some of the CDPR staff reacted angrily at CDPR "management" during an "internal video meeting". Nobody was "bitching at the publisher", which is technically impossible anyway, as they publish their own games. There was no external influence involved in the making of this garbage that you call "compelling". All decisions were made at CDPR, all lies were told by CDPR.


If you were somehow trying to make a distinction between the "decision makers" (e.g. producers, studio leads, designers) and the rest of the overworked staff, which is rather pointless and irrelevant cause nobody blames those people for doing what they were told to do, and you made a rather poor job making that distinction.

You immediately start your defense of the game by the same old argument "you haven't played the game" and then try to dismiss the compilations of bugs shown in videos, cause you haven't seen them in your game. The kind of attitude expected from an apologist or a fanboy. Yes, I don't have it and I have not played the game, but I have watched several LPs of it and personally witnessed some of those bugs as I watched, at the same time as the person playing it. The bugs and glitches aren't the only problem with this game. It has major design flaws, which you tried to dismiss in an earlier post as expected from an apologist. In terms of technology it cannot even compete against 10-15 year old games as shown in dozens of videos. In terms of game play it offers absolutely nothing that hasn't been done before, and better, in the past two decades. Today's "low standards" for good games that you seem to complain about was created by the very people who called garbage games as "compelling" games and I truly regret the time I've wasted discussing video games with them, as if their opinions have any value.




Those that worked on the game had issues and arguments with those in charge. The core people wanting to create a game was overridden by those in charge. Those same people (responsible for publishing the game.. giving the go ahead) are the ones that were the responsible party. I am happy that the company will be sued by the investors. They lied.  That comment was to clarify for those piling on the hate fest that those working there are just as much a victim as those that invested in the company as well as those that purchased the games.  Based on your comment I will assume that we can both agree on that fact.

As for your second part... Lets be clear. read my previous post.. I stated don't by the game, it isn't sell-able. I don't experience as many bugs as others true but that is a far cry from being a protector of CD Project red. Get your facts straight.  I haven't defended the game. The very dam fact I am telling people not to buy the game... should be a strong indicator of my thoughts about the game. I played it. I know the bugs I know the issues. I therefore know it isn't a finished game by a long shot.

I am dismissing the frequency that most haters of the game are trying to claim is happening. It just isn't fact. I am clarifying the falsehood being tossed around. You can just fire up any one of the many Twitch streams and watch for a couple of hours and will see .. yes, buggy, true.. but not as frequent as what is being alleged by many of the videos being posted. At least not for the PC version. Clarifying a fact isn't apologizing. It is giving factual info on the matter.  I have given references and possible sources for others that read this to check out themselves.  It isn't an end to end constant bug fest. 

You are tying to put words and start arguments that I haven't stated. .. Referring to the technology not being able to compete with 10~15 year old games. I never said it could.. again trying to muddy the waters with your random bullshit statements. Trying to attack someone and in order to do so.. you have to make shit up and try to infer that I am stating otherwise.  For the record it is can't even compete with some of the very early GTA games where the car and NPCs on the street are concerned. Based on your statements. I will assume that we can agree on this point.


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