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Kendo 2

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9 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

This is not just cringe, it made me damned angry.

There is room for all believes and thoughts.  What there isn't room for is a unilateral movement to gag people by those in power.

Seriously ... Potato head.... remove Dr. Suss?  Remove or give serious warnings for children movies?  How about let the parents decide what their children can and cant see. What they buy for their children. Let them teach and raise their children.  Cancelling Pepe' La pue ?  Talk about a lost opportunity for them. They could just make new Pepe cartoons with a slight change where he is told that isn't right... Perhaps Foghorn grabs him by the tail and gives a foghorn speech?  Perhaps flip the script where someone chases him for a change. Etc. Properly done, their idea can be portrayed without killing / cancelling Pepe.  Potato head, If I remember correctly has interchangeable parts. Lets cancel that as well instead of letting children make the potato head of their choice? Seriously. 

The adults today lived through this. ... Well maybe they have a point... after all...the very people trying to cancel everything experienced all these things. Perhaps these things do cause mental damage to select individuals as they grow up. :P

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2 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

They could just make new Pepe cartoons with a slight change where he is told that isn't right...

They technically already did. One of the funniest was when the cat suddenly decides she likes Pepe and starts chasing him. 🤣

Which reminds me, I should probably get all the Looney Tunes (at least the good ones from the 50-ish range) and maybe other TV shows and such as soon as possible. Right now it's just moronic warnings. How long will it last until the book/entertainment burning gets into full swing and this stuff is all taken offline or even deleted entirely?

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10 hours ago, Nessa said:

They technically already did. One of the funniest was when the cat suddenly decides she likes Pepe and starts chasing him. 🤣

Which reminds me, I should probably get all the Looney Tunes (at least the good ones from the 50-ish range) and maybe other TV shows and such as soon as possible. Right now it's just moronic warnings. How long will it last until the book/entertainment burning gets into full swing and this stuff is all taken offline or even deleted entirely?

Have a book? We will be happy to burn it for you.  You don't want to be edumakated right?  Don't want to  be accidentally EXPOSED to concepts and or ideas that might offend! RIGHT... call us right away! We will remove all offending materials from your sight.

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19 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Have a book? We will be happy to burn it for you.  You don't want to be edumakated right?  Don't want to  be accidentally EXPOSED to concepts and or ideas that might offend! RIGHT... call us right away! We will remove all offending materials from your sight.

Remember when Amazon and Apple both claimed they'd NEVER use their near total control over their ecosystems to delete user content? Well, if you have any wrongthink material on the your iDevice, as soon as it's online BAM! Then you don't. You may now thank your digital overlords for saving you from yourself and wrong thoughts. Can't have customers thinking! They might get ideas. Ideas are dangerous. Unless those ideas are the right kind of ideas. The kind of ideas that our digital masters agree with.  🐲🤣


I half joke. Amazon has already deleted content. In some sense Apple as well but it was "an accident". (That I know of anyway!)

Edited by Nessa
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Biden supporters have gone from 'HAIL HYRDA!' to 'Literally what the fuck?!' in the span of 44 days.  Buyer's remorse much?  Added fun, it's official and Biden didn't win Arizona, and that means he didn't win the election.  He's 'president' in the lower case sense; and by the way the truly free world is treating his admin like they don't think he's the real President of the United States either.

The year thus far:


SEATO disinvites the US for joint naval exercises.

ASEAN tells the Biden Admin 'fuck you' on zone treaties.

Biden US ships do not have access to the Maynmar Straits.  Sorry scrubs, you gotta go the long way around like your CCP buddies.  Tack on about $7 million for any trip in SE Asia.

India, New Zealand, Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines sign an economic zone pact to exclude the US and...wait for it...CHINA.  Deep water ports are off-limits to the Biden US but not France{?).

Israel with the backing of the France (how 'bout dat?) signs a war pact treaty with Egypt, the UAE, the Saudis and India for missile development and petrodollar exchanges.  The Biden US, Iran and Pakistan not invited.  Side note (1): Biden US threatened Israel and Japan in the same week about withholding arms deals.  Israel said 'fuck you' and Japan revealed their new fleet of 5 French-built missile frigates...and their built-in this-century fighter jets that can outfly anything the CCP can make.  Side note (2): the 'new' CCP fighter jets cannot function at thinner than atmosphere altitudes; the Indians shot them full of holes with 1970's era F16s.  So much for the Chinese Han master race.

President Erdogan of Turkey tells the Biden US that if their CIA spooks in NE Syria cross the border he'll kill them all.  Keep your regime change bullshit out of my country.

India dominates the Ladakh Lake region of Tibet with native-born Tibetan and Nepalese troops while little emperor Han Chinese freeze to death (boohoo).  It's so bad the Indians can WALK to the CCP outposts and pose for pictures with meat popsicle dead CCP troops frozen in place.  The CCP troops who try to surrender (to avoid freezing to death) are sent back across the frontier.  Sorry about your Han super race luck.

Putin shot actual tactical missiles at China NE of Mongolia.  Keep the fuck out of Russian territories, next time they'll be nukes, not TNT payloads

Russia sank a CCP fish poaching ship inside it's territorial waters.  The captain didn't get clearance from Moscow to do it; he arrested the crew and torpedoed the ship on his own initiative.  Putin said that's a-okay.

A fleet of CCP factory ships entered Argentina's territorial waters so they sent out everything they had (including jets) to sink the CCP fleet...who ran away.  This was a week after the CCP did the same thing to Japan, who decided it was a good time to make the world premier of their new toys, courtesy of France.

Uganda is staged to invade the Congo, kill all the ANC Marxists (who have been raiding them) and take over the biggest deposits of electronics-grade cobalt and weapons-grade uranium Xenon-135 (135Xe) on the planet.  Democrats won't know how to act without their cellphones and the child slave labor that makes it possible...kinda like 'free trade' coffee...it ain't so free to the people literally wearing hammered iron collars making the shit possible.  And the Iranians can get dirty uranium from their bath water so that's not a consideration; but you can't get 'kill the Jews' bombs from that shit though.

Qatar allies with Iran after the Assad-Erdogan regional conference.  Looks like Hillary Clinton and Merkel won't be getting their 'fuck Putin' gas pipeline.  Seriously, wtf did you think all that Syrian regime change bullshit was about?  Clinton tried using the Obama State Department and the CIA to be her muscle and get a paycheck.  Epic fail but she was able to kill tens of thousands to try it.  The cunt is a Nuremberg Trials level criminal but hey...she's a Democrat so it's okay.

The year thus far (tldr): the Biden US is not the leader of the free world.

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On 3/13/2021 at 8:42 PM, Kendo 2 said:

Biden supporters have gone from 'HAIL HYRDA!' to 'Literally what the fuck?!' in the span of 44 days.  Buyer's remorse much?  Added fun, it's official and Biden didn't win Arizona, and that means he didn't win the election.  He's 'president' in the lower case sense; and by the way the truly free world is treating his admin like they don't think he's the real President of the United States either.

The year thus far:

  Reveal hidden contents

SEATO disinvites the US for joint naval exercises.

ASEAN tells the Biden Admin 'fuck you' on zone treaties.

Biden US ships do not have access to the Maynmar Straits.  Sorry scrubs, you gotta go the long way around like your CCP buddies.  Tack on about $7 million for any trip in SE Asia.

India, New Zealand, Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines sign an economic zone pact to exclude the US and...wait for it...CHINA.  Deep water ports are off-limits to the Biden US but not France{?).

Israel with the backing of the France (how 'bout dat?) signs a war pact treaty with Egypt, the UAE, the Saudis and India for missile development and petrodollar exchanges.  The Biden US, Iran and Pakistan not invited.  Side note (1): Biden US threatened Israel and Japan in the same week about withholding arms deals.  Israel said 'fuck you' and Japan revealed their new fleet of 5 French-built missile frigates...and their built-in this-century fighter jets that can outfly anything the CCP can make.  Side note (2): the 'new' CCP fighter jets cannot function at thinner than atmosphere altitudes; the Indians shot them full of holes with 1970's era F16s.  So much for the Chinese Han master race.

President Erdogan of Turkey tells the Biden US that if their CIA spooks in NE Syria cross the border he'll kill them all.  Keep your regime change bullshit out of my country.

India dominates the Ladakh Lake region of Tibet with native-born Tibetan and Nepalese troops while little emperor Han Chinese freeze to death (boohoo).  It's so bad the Indians can WALK to the CCP outposts and pose for pictures with meat popsicle dead CCP troops frozen in place.  The CCP troops who try to surrender (to avoid freezing to death) are sent back across the frontier.  Sorry about your Han super race luck.

Putin shot actual tactical missiles at China NE of Mongolia.  Keep the fuck out of Russian territories, next time they'll be nukes, not TNT payloads

Russia sank a CCP fish poaching ship inside it's territorial waters.  The captain didn't get clearance from Moscow to do it; he arrested the crew and torpedoed the ship on his own initiative.  Putin said that's a-okay.

A fleet of CCP factory ships entered Argentina's territorial waters so they sent out everything they had (including jets) to sink the CCP fleet...who ran away.  This was a week after the CCP did the same thing to Japan, who decided it was a good time to make the world premier of their new toys, courtesy of France.

Uganda is staged to invade the Congo, kill all the ANC Marxists (who have been raiding them) and take over the biggest deposits of electronics-grade cobalt and weapons-grade uranium Xenon-135 (135Xe) on the planet.  Democrats won't know how to act without their cellphones and the child slave labor that makes it possible...kinda like 'free trade' coffee...it ain't so free to the people literally wearing hammered iron collars making the shit possible.  And the Iranians can get dirty uranium from their bath water so that's not a consideration; but you can't get 'kill the Jews' bombs from that shit though.

Qatar allies with Iran after the Assad-Erdogan regional conference.  Looks like Hillary Clinton and Merkel won't be getting their 'fuck Putin' gas pipeline.  Seriously, wtf did you think all that Syrian regime change bullshit was about?  Clinton tried using the Obama State Department and the CIA to be her muscle and get a paycheck.  Epic fail but she was able to kill tens of thousands to try it.  The cunt is a Nuremberg Trials level criminal but hey...she's a Democrat so it's okay.

The year thus far (tldr): the Biden US is not the leader of the free world.

Hey, you got the source on that (Biden not winning Arizona, not president) I'd like to keep that handy... ;)  I haven't seen anything solid from that front. You know, lies and cover ups everywhere. literally everywhere.

You know anything honest hard hitting and open minded is being shushed like somebody is playing a game of wack a mole!



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20 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

None of them like me. lol I'm surprised I haven't been banned (again).

DocSax is a Leftist.  I cured his fixation on me with a PM thread that included Ashal.  Whenever DocSax says 'the rules are whatever I pull of of my ass because I don't personally agree with what you posted' I quote his stupid ass and Ashal gets to see what his Libtard staff member is foisting as 'SIEG HEIL der rools an' and DocSax looks like the tool he is.  At first DocSax tried to justify his bullshit, now he just crawdads because everything is in context.  DocSax doing a 'thread clean up' isn't an option since Ashal has CP control and see what DocSax hides from public view...because I quoted it all before he got the chance to delete it.  hee-hee. :P

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53 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

DocSax is a Leftist.  I cured his fixation on me with a PM thread that included Ashal.  Whenever DocSax says 'the rules are whatever I pull of of my ass because I don't personally agree with what you posted' I quote his stupid ass and Ashal gets to see what his Libtard staff member is foisting as 'SIEG HEIL der rools an' and DocSax looks like the tool he is.  At first DocSax tried to justify his bullshit, now he just crawdads because everything is in context.  DocSax doing a 'thread clean up' isn't an option since Ashal has CP control and see what DocSax hides from public view...because I quoted it all before he got the chance to delete it.  hee-hee. :P

You gotta do what you gotta do. Shame that it comes down to that.  I don't see any reason for some of the *stuff* they do there.  Sometimes it seems, at least to me, that they are the instigators of some of the "drama".

I think they are starting to like me again.. as much as I guess they can. I got some responses from one of the moderators there that I had serious knock down drag out fights with and at times Ashal had to intervene.  He was very responsive when I was over on the Oblivion section. 

Come to think of it, I haven't had any serious issues in a long time form there. However, one possible solution is avoiding the aids riddled general threads ;)  I guess that helps not to trigger people as often.  People too fragile to hear an alternate opinion, or heaven forbid link some factual info from actual experts!  I believe that causes full on meltdown.  I don't know really, I don't generally surround myself with people that fragile in RL. If I wanted to deal with mentally ill people, I'd still be working at the hospital ;)  At least those in the hospital for psych issues were able to be treated, unlike Karen ;) :P


Oh, by the way @Kendo 2  ... Congrats...


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Laughing at Communists is against the rules because totalitarianism is the shit.  -- DocSax

I decide what the COPVID facts are and the rest of you can STFU. --Doc Sax

Bashing black power racists is racists. --CPU

This is fine. --Ashal


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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

@ritualclarity @Kendo 2

Both of you lost your contributor title. I can guess why Kendo lost his, but I don't know why Ritual would be hated. I haven't seen you ruffle any feathers over there. Did they all of a sudden become Indian givers?


You only think I lost my contributor title. I still have it.  


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On 3/17/2021 at 10:46 PM, endgameaddiction said:

Loud mouth liberal. Surprised he didn't use the "I can't breathe" card.

What gets me about this douchebag is, in addition to his lack of access to hair conditioner, is how he waits UNTIL the police start wrestling him to the ground and THEN yells for his companion to start filming it. That way, you don't see the lead up and he looks the victim.
Personally, I think police body cams are the greatest invention since the wheel and axle. How many Liberals thought that it would make police look like thugs and instead shows what assholes criminals are.

Edited by vancleef
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10 hours ago, vancleef said:

I think police body cams are the greatest invention since the wheel and axle. How many Liberals thought that it would make police look like thugs and instead shows what assholes criminals are.

About 2 yrs ago the ACLU filed suit to ban police body cameras because the footage made juries biased.  They were laughed out of court.

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