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Thats because china is going to release Covid 2.0 this winter... :P

I can guarantee you after the lockdown riots and the Capitol invasion, there will never be another lockdown in my lifetime.

The Gummint didn't give a shit about how any of this affected we underlings but the minute THEIR house got invaded, they woke up. 

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1 hour ago, vancleef said:

I can guarantee you after the lockdown riots and the Capitol invasion, there will never be another lockdown in my lifetime.

The Gummint didn't give a shit about how any of this affected we underlings but the minute THEIR house got invaded, they woke up. 

Now that is all they ever talk about.. Jan 6th. 

Oh, here is an update: 

I think Tim just flipped from being on "the fence", but he could still remain there in principle for his audience. 

He really loves Ron DeSantis now! :D

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From what I've seen of Tim he was always against the vaccine passes at least. He is kind of wishy washy (or was) on some other stuff but... you know... he wears a beanie what can I expect? 😆 😆

His latest (that I saw):





Edited by Nessa
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Ah, I miss the shit posting of Nexus. I found this https://skyrimforums.org/sf/threads/i-am-ip-banned-from-nexus.4269/ and reminded me of the banned from nexus thread on LL. Was pretty entertaining to read. Yeah, the moderators still suck chocolate filled assholes 🤮 till this day on Nexsucks.

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20 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:


These are always fun! Disagreed with the American on a several of them. 🤭

  • Yes, I have lived in a "flat" in the US. But only in the city and then probably only to sound "posh". 🤣 Usually it is apartment.
  • I never call a supermarket a "grocery store" unless it's one of those tiny mom & pop places.
  • I remember calling flip-flops thongs for a long time until it suddenly switched. 🤷‍♀️
  • I have no idea what an ABC store is, it's called LIQUOR STORE. 🤣 (Side note, they don't appear to have "liquor stores" in most of Europe as liquor is sold all over the place. Even in gas stations.)
  • Clearly the American isn't from the west. That's a freeway you nut! 🤣🤣 And a small one at that! 🤭
  • I loved how the British woman though "freeway" sounded dangerous. Yes, freedom. SO DANGEROUS! (No wonder the US kicked them out! 🐲)
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