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Cyberpunk 2077 Discussion, News etc.


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On 12/25/2020 at 8:27 AM, Doublezero said:

Man, this is the game I want to play. 😢


The customization of cars video... there is a section in the game where that place is at. As a Street kid you go there for your prologe. Such a shame that customization of the cars are gone. Also stupid that you can't even change makeup much less hair styles.

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13 hours ago, driftscape said:


LOL, this game should have been delayed until 2023, but instead they rushed it out and now we have a game that in some aspects is worse than a Bethesda title and worse than Grand Theft Auto III. I hope they fix all of the issues and bring back the cut content but I'm not holding my breath.

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2 hours ago, Nessa said:

He does indeed. Especially about the smaller teams! 😎

I liked the Time and Scope section. Personally I believe they did to some changes to the scope.. Not in the way he described it but by removing many of the features that have been advertised early on. Features that would have really hung up the release if not done, and cause even more bugs and problems. It seems as if the game was gutted of most of all the features advertised. There are tons of side missions which makes me think that the game was much more than the one we gotten besides those known missing features.  Eventually the "Time" came up and they just released. The lack of GTA type actions or even interactions with random NPCs which isn't even to a level of a 10 year old game (as pointed out several times by several reviewers and posters on this thread) That feature would have made the game much better and sorely missing from the game as you play it.  Simple navigation issues (which I don't believe was talked about much) where you had to exit the panel and re-enter when you scrapped some consumables. Early on I was able to stop battles and craft ammo and whatever I wanted... which now doesn't happen. Many things show an Beta level game if that. Like he stated they likely ported over the game to the consoles expecting them to work as good as the PC. Without doing work releasing the game in an Alpha level.

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6 hours ago, driftscape said:


I recently had a large truck stuck half way in my car.. also the missing weapons.. for some reason... It was an easy fix for the weapon. .just change them and then it came back. The Truck however, you have to save before you try to enter or you can die.. I am told sometimes the car / truck will explode if you enter it in that state.. Same for if it is stuck partially in the ground.  Didn't have an explosion but did get stuck and couldn't do anything and had to reload.

One thing they did seem to do well. lol.. .is the auto saves.. There are tons of them. A god send with the bugs you can encounter in this game. So far .. cross fingers.. I haven't been too far from a previous auto save where I had to do a substantial portion of the episode again.  however, the bitch of it is.. they auto save in times where you can't save.. WHY?  Why can't you save if you are autosaving?  I want to get right up to a point and select my save.. not go the 3~5 minutes before at some point to restart..

I'd like to make one more comment not about the above. I mentioned I know several people in Discord and in RL that have this game. One of the main points of a game like this is the re-playabliity.. something that the company touted... Well RL reactions and play is the important metric. These are people that put in more than 50 hours.. some as much as 100 or so hours. Played it at least once through.. 2 of them have uninstalled the game. I an 2 others haven't really played it for the past few days. It seems to not be the game that hooks players like the company tried to claim. I will likely play it a bit later but not as much as I have the first week it was out.

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1 hour ago, ritualclarity said:

I liked the Time and Scope section. ....

I've been on projects that had the exact same issues. You'd have a desired scope and then somebody would arbitrarily (it seemed, probably some marketing decision) decide on a time to release. Then it was scramble to get all the features done at the last minute. And of course, inevitably it was a disastrous launch.

I've long thought Bethsoft had similar issues. Grand ideas but poor management. So you get this patched together mess of an alpha game that just barely runs on release. (Or not at all if we talk about FO76. 🤦‍♀️) A little digging always turns up tons of partially finished quests and features that were scrapped. And also, like Cyberpunk, they have astronomical budgets and huge teams. I really think that guy was spot on about the efficiency of large teams. There's a point where you just have too many people.


In Cyberpunk's case it's in some ways a lot worse because we have a not insignificant list of promised features that are very conspicuously absent from the release version. Sure, Bethsoft lies too, but we're used to taking whatever number Todd says and subtracting two zeroes. Up till now CDPR actually made great stuff. 🤣

Edited by Nessa
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They could scrap those features.. if they did right with the rest of the game. (and console games as well)  All they needed to do was to tell the public the new reality and that they would try to rush those out as free DLCs if / when they were possible.  They realized it would take a serous amount of time and after postphoning the game 3 times decided to rework it to what can be done currently.  Post some evidence of similar things they did with Witcher 3 and such and people would have still eat it up. Hell. if they just released a functional  game as it is currently they would have eaten it up. This serious lying from a beloved game publisher hurt way more than any lies given by Bethesda as we already know their story.  If Bethesda was the publisher of th is game.. doubt many would have even batted an eye much less had a s much outrage as they had for CD Project Red due to their stellar rep.. The same rep that allowed them to so easily lie for if other companies tried that shit.. they would have been called out .. seriously for their statements before any release even happened. I mean.. if you were a reviewer and was told you can't have the console version but it runs "surprisingly well" .. would you believe it coming from Bethesda? EA? etc. I doubt it.

CD Project Red shat their entire rep on this release. I hope it was worth it for them in the long run going forward...

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I find these comparisons super entertaining for some reason. Especially when you recall that around the time GTA V was released, CDPR was claiming that this game was going to offer a "next-gen open world". 🤣 By the way, CP's retarded shadow animations could easily be used to start a new retarded dance movement, a la Gangnam Style 2077.


Edited by bjornk
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After watching some of these I've noticed something odd.


Why do they have to pronounce "Cyberpunk 2077" or "CD Project Red" fully every time? After the first time it's redundant. It's like they can't shorten it to CDPR or CP '77. And often times it is said in several sentences in a row which sounds absolutely ridiculous. Is this another pronoun issue? Are they (haha) scared of pronouns now?? 🤣


They're going to need a hell of lot of patches and DLCs plus a 3rd person mod to interest me when I take a peek at this again... in several years. 😈

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2 hours ago, Nessa said:

After watching some of these I've noticed something odd.


Why do they have to pronounce "Cyberpunk 2077" or "CD Project Red" fully every time? After the first time it's redundant. It's like they can't shorten it to CDPR or CP '77. And often times it is said in several sentences in a row which sounds absolutely ridiculous. Is this another pronoun issue? Are they (haha) scared of pronouns now?? 🤣


They're going to need a hell of lot of patches and DLCs plus a 3rd person mod to interest me when I take a peek at this again... in several years. 😈

Yes, they want to make sure you know who made this... make sure there are no doubts.  Also, didn't think of it but perhaps there is some other meaning for CDPR... Maybe they are afraid of abbreviations like USSR ?  Funny like Federal Express constantly back then trying to say that when nobody said that. Finally they decided to just go with Fed x. lol

They'll need a hell a lot of patches just to fix all the problems with their current system / setup much less have time to create any DLCs.  Perhaps they need to do like Bugthesda does.. .just release strong modding tools and let the modders fix all their crap.. Then they can sit back and profit. lol

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