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Was in another film noir mood and ran into this little gem.



Robert Mitchum (no complaints from me 😍) and another example of a young Vincent Price this time playing comic relief. To top it off Perry Mason as a bad guy! (Yes, I know Perry Mason. My grandmother used to watch endless reruns. 🤦‍♀️🤣)

Full movie here (for Europe sorts at least).

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the new Master's of the Universe...

Holly shit..

or... actually Holly pile of shit. Not to get into spoilers for those that might like such a show. this show was suppose to be in the spirit of the past cartoons.  yea, fuck that.  When did people get killed in the old show?  Not only one but many of them.  the only redeeming factor of the show is Skeltor and his voice acting from Mark Hammel. He does excellent jobs in my opinion. Followed by Evil Lins voice acting but thatis about all that was redeemable.

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On 3/23/2021 at 9:08 PM, Nessa said:

If anyone's in the mood for film noir, check out Laura. From 1944! An extra bonus it has a very young Vincent Price with a slight country accent! 🤣

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Laura (1944 film poster).jpg

Full film here.

Not sure that link will work in the states though. I can't keep up with who bans whom. 🙃

I love the original score by David Raksin.


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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

And another sci-fi film I haven't seen in a very very very long time. Now I must find it and watch it.

Underrated, underappreciated, misunderstood film, certainly much better than today's garbage. Had bought the DVD and the soundtrack CD right after watching it and it's been more than two decades now since I last watched it. While I find it too depressing to watch again (I still occasionally watch clips from it and listen to certain parts of the score), I also think it was too optimistic in the typical Spielberg fashion.

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On 8/18/2022 at 6:22 PM, endgameaddiction said:

Event Horizon was another great sci-fi horror. I just remembered that one.

I was really interested in this film back in the day when its trailers were being shown on tv, I thought it would be a good sci-fi film, but I didn't have the time to watch it then. A few years later my sis bought the DVD, I watched it then and I didn't like it at all. It's a very poor film as a sci-fi and just a cliche horror movie with stupid supernatural, religious garbage. Never bothered to watch it again, still have the DVD somewhere.

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