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Kendo 2

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On 12/19/2020 at 3:59 PM, Kendo 2 said:

You niggas been wondering what happened to me?  I was bitten TWICE by a big brown fishing spider in my sleep and I spent a week in the hospital because of the infection.  I am currently on mega-dose antibiotics so I don't get gangrene and I get the bonus 25g Flintstone's chewable pharmaceutical morphine because I'm allergic to demerol/codeine.  i.e. I am not fit human company so fuck you all.  See you when I'm coherent.  FYI, it took me 20 min to type this.

Miss you bunches, Brother=From-Another-Mother! Get well soon! This place ain't the same without your Curmudgeonly comments!

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54 minutes ago, Nessa said:

I know things are serious and no disrespect to whomever this guy is but.... I saw the hand gesture and just thought:



This is who he is: 

As well as here: 

And here:


A member of BlazeTV (Glenn Beck). 


I missed the part where he came out on with "Louder with Crowder". 


Edited by Alkpaz
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OK this turned into a book. Sorry about that. A consequence of having no Americani around. 🤦‍♀️ Just skip to the end. Easier! 🤣
And I guess this is still cringe. I mean... LOOK at this giant wall of a post! 🤣🤣


6 hours ago, driftscape said:

This is what I've always thought. And I don't mean to dive into religion, but this is why conservatives tend to lose. They keep looking up for answers. God isn't going to come and save us.

First, that guy needs to have some wine and relax. 😆 Just a few months back cities all over the US were burning and people getting killed all the time. This one was just a "largely peaceful" demonstration. 😁


My primary interest here are his vague historical comments. I just got done reading a ton of books on the revolution. 🤓 (Ran out of romance novels.) And since nobody way out here gives a flying #(*&$# about some Americano thing, I'll write to you all! 🤣 (Say revolution out here and they go "Garibaldi?" 🤦‍♀️)

  • The tea party had to happen in order to build up to Lexington and Concord. Curiously there were guys that participated in the tea party that were also in the army. That kills his first point. 🤔 And hey, what's so bad about the tea party? They got to play dress up and send a message to England. A win-win! 🤣
  • His point on an "American army" had me laughing. Discipline? The original army was a mob! People from one colony hated people from another. They wouldn't listen to commands. They were frequently drunk. Some couldn't even load their muskets let alone aim. They'd suddenly leave if they felt like it. And yes they did execute prisoners on occasion. (My opinion they deserved it.) Hardly a group of paladins. It was a total mess! I remember one of Washington's first orders was half the camp clean up and the other bathe. 🤦‍♀️
  • There were people calling for calm, just like this guy. They ended up being branded loyalists and being driven out for the most part. Some of them weren't loyalists at all but got lumped in with the Brits anyway. 🤷‍♀️
    I remember one story of a painter. He wasn't a loyalist but had to pay the bills so he did some portraits for some brits. After several mobs visiting his house he finally left for England despite not even liking it.
  • Even when the "army" was approaching a somewhat organized state, they would regularly loot abandoned loyalist houses and property. Defacing royal property was a favorite pastime. They had a particular love for re-imagining portraits of royals. (A shame none survived, I bet they'd have been hilarious!)
    The flip side here is the brits were absolutely horrific in their looting. To the point of wiping people out. The most shocking one was they basically mutilated a pregnant woman and wrote a message in her blood. WW2 stuff there. The brits also promised freedom to slaves and then when the war was lost let them all starve to death. Lovely people back then.

The interesting bit about this guy's video is it reminds me a LOT of Washington. At the beginning of the war he'd write letters about how terrible the men were. How they were nothing but peasants basically. (Washington was of the upper class of the day.) However by the end of the war he'd changed his tune dramatically and rather liked them all.

I guess all the above to say: perhaps this guy should embrace a little of the mob mentality. It is how it all started. If he had tried to say the tea party was "horrid" back then he'd have been run out of Boston. Likely literally tar and feathered. 🤣

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@Nessa if you thought Bill Whittle was amped up.. check out Glenn Beck, I thought he might get a heart attack.

As for the Tea Party, he was referencing this movement: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tea_Party_movement not the historical Boston Tea Party.  He, also, was using the modern military as an example of a disciplined army, not the "Red Badge of Courage" historical army. 

I do think there will be more of this coming from extremists. They will see the death of this woman as a martyr, along with the others who succumbed later. Kent State ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings ) didn't pacify the crowds, all that did was galvanize the support. The people in our Congress right now, are of that era. They know what will happen next, they've seen it, they lived it. They will do what they think will be necessary to quash this, by cracking down HARD. Will that be the solution? Probably not. I, am frankly a little scared right now, not shaking in my boots in a corner scared, but more of a deep worry, about where we go from here as a country, with inflation hitting, lockdowns forthcoming, tech censorship of anything they might see as "dangerous", etc. 

Edited by Alkpaz
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9 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

@Nessa if you thought Bill Whittle was amped up.. check out Glenn Beck, I thought he might get a heart attack.

🤣 Whoa. Yeah wine isn't going to help here. He needs some serious medication. NOW. 😆


I think there will be a tech censorship purge coming next. Or I should say another one. We've had quite a few already. Might even hit "adult" sites. Lots of mobs trying to ruin lives for the ever changing "wrong think". 🙄

As for inflation, yeah. If they keep sending out checks and printing money, that can't have a good cumulative effect. It's like they want to create the dystopian hell hole Earth depicted in the Expanse. 🤦‍♀️

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Take the following as somebody coming at this from the outside. (I can't really claim being American anymore. Been gone too long.)

Thanks to Alkpaz I've been listening to a bunch of I guess "right" youtube people. And I'm baffled. If they'd channel half their rage over the Capitol nonsense into getting stuff done, there wouldn't be any SJW's left! 🤣 Why are they so upset over the recent protest? Compared to a few months ago it was a boy scout outing!! And then there's the whinging about "changing the narrative". Come on! The only thing you'll get from a discussion with an SJW/nutjob is a migraine!

I don't know. 🤷‍♀️ I remember the right being a hell of a lot tougher. Could it be that the real right has been banned on Youtube and this is all that's left? Maybe I should hit bitchute. 🤦‍♀️

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First and foremost, I condemn the storming of the Capitol by the protesters as much as I condemn what the Left has been up to the last 12 months. There are extremists on both sides leading around a mob of gullible idiots. If I had to label myself, I'm a Centrist who leans Right. I imagine there are a lot of Centrists who lean the other way too and I hope they're as disgusted by this whole shitshow as I am. So while I lean Right, I won't defend them just because. That said, I consider many on the Left to be naive at best and loyal to a fault at worst. And vice versa. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm doing my best to be objective and neutral but everyone is calling for you to choose a side...

I think the frustration is that the Right is fed up with a do-nothing government made up of career politicians whose entire agenda is "get re-elected". 48-51% of the country (depending on whose statistics you believe) voted in a Reality TV star and professional buffoon to send a message. And what did the established political elite immediately do? Try to impeach him. They were scared and rightly so. A candidate that should never have even made it to the debates was elected President. By. The. People. Voting.

Not rebelling, not protesting, not burning down neighborhoods. By voting.

All summer long the same people who voted peacefully watched as the Left threw a tantrum and destroyed private property, trespassed and "occupied" public and private  property, and vandalized public property, specifically historical monuments. And how soon everyone forgot the IEDs being planted in Portland by Leftist extremists...
Instead of the violence being condemned and immediately quelled, by force if necessary, instead you have the media defending the violence in the name of Social Justice and the politicians afraid to lose even more voters by issuing condemnation. And any opinion to the contrary, no matter how reasonable or civilized, got that person labeled Racist or Fascist.

Now the Right has, unfortunately, shot themselves in the foot with this stunt. Politicians don't care if you burn down someone else's neighborhood but suddenly it was THEIR house being invaded! Watch how subtly ALL protests will be monitored and policed in the next four years. They're going to crucify this protest and it's members and supporters because NOW it's in their interest to do so. And instead of anyone looking back to try and figure out why it happened in the first place, they'll instead ignore history and just suppress a movement that should never have got to this point.

The political establishment was sent a message with Trump's election and I can guarantee you that that's the last time in my lifetime that an outsider will be a serious contender for any Federal office.

Did any of that make sense? Or am I just a crybaby?

Edited by vancleef
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Well. Seems the purge is already starting. Social media is all in unison going:



You know, might be a good idea to get this place mirrored on an onion server or something similar. When they run out of political targets, places like this might be next. I've heard of a couple modding sites that have done this supposedly. (Need to check up on those to be sure.)

Going to be interesting to see how this affects game censorship. At this rate it's going to be censored like hell just for the "land of the free". 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ And Germany. They censor everything in Germany. 🤣 OK, Australia is pretty bad too. 🤦‍♀️

Side note regarding Australia: I'm told that apparently, the video game censorship is so whacked out down there, some devs don't even bother with the country at all!

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Parler has been nuked:


So if you used this instead of Twatter, you may have use Gab ( https://gab.com/ ), until they shut that one down too. 

Man, are they trying hard, and they think this will "calm things down"??? Are they that mentally special?! Wait, I know the answer to that.

Here is Beck's take on it, he gets fired up on this one as well, but he makes an awesome point:


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Hey now I hear banks are in on it! No credit cards or bank for you wrong-thinker! Off to the re-education camps!

Kind of funny, where I am everyone hates banks. To the point they don't keep their money in them at all. Starting to understand why! 🤣


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Alright, so according to Google denying internet (or rather Google services) is a "violation of basic human rights".


If that's the case, apparently Google is also literally committing crimes against humanity by banning so many people from their platforms.😱


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On 1/17/2021 at 4:24 PM, bjornk said:

I'm glad to see @Kendo 2 signed in yesterday... although I'm curious in what form... I wonder if he's grown a few more eyes and legs yet... or maybe he's busy picking up a color scheme for his new "crime-fighting" costume... jokes aside, I hope he's feeling better.

Finally! Some good news for a change!

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