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Kendo 2

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I love when the left keep eating themselves. Pissed off Hispanics to now pissing off their communism lovin' base.


I love how Psucky also says how the journey is dangerous by boat. Cubans have come to the Southern border and have been extorted and kidnapped. Cuban women have been kidnapped and raped by cartels. I would rather take my chances on a boat than through Central America. It's also funny how they are not welcomed but those that come from the southern border are. Yeah, because Cubans will more likely vote red than blue given the Democrats are all for socialism/communism. They don't want them potential red votes. And they make communism look bad so we can't have that.

Edited by endgameaddiction
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The number of posts as well as the date we joined are both stated in our profiles. There's no fucking need for idiotic ranks. What are we, some kind of a circus animal who needs to be rewarded for doing tricks? I guess stupid teenagers and adults with teenager mentality would like having them, as if when a piece of software labels them as "DA GREATEST CONTRIBUTOOR!!!" they actually become one and rightfully earn everyone's respect. Don't know about everyone else but I'm perfectly capable of discerning valuable people from the idiots and don't need a bunch of badges assigned by a fucking forum software to tell me who's who.

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On 7/17/2021 at 2:28 PM, Nessa said:


If that's not cringe, I don't know what is. 🤦‍♀️

There's an Italian saying used when you get to the point where it's so bad nothing can be done. "We are at the fruit" is what it literally translates into. Fruit is generally the last thing you eat at lunch in Italy.


Siamo alla frutta!! 🤡

I got one better. 

I've been watching a lot of 90s films lately. I can see the wokeness start in this era without we, "normies", realizing it. 

Or that today's world is 80s-90s comedy. Take that plastic car jack as an example. It would be a butt of a joke in the 80s/90s, now it is a "thing". Meanwhile you have Lefties defending such a product and company not realizing that it is an absolute waste of "oil". So while they bitch about global warming (sorry, climate change ie acid rain) they spend fossil fuels like madmen. Conservatives have learned to cut down certain expenses, and if an LED light helps them reduce their electric bill, they will do so. Leftists want the next iPhone or gadget that is made by rare earth minerals. (There is a reason why they are called "rare earth") They buy the next console/gfx card and bitch about how Righties are the racists and destroyers of humanity. That we hate women, people with darker skin pigmentation, etc. Then you have some PTA people saying that parents that are against CRT should die. WTF. Seriously. I for one, do not look forward to the world in 20yrs, when these kids become the arm of the Red Army (Mao's method of pushing communism).

EDIT: Appending this as to not create another post:


Now you see why Glenn Beck DC'd her, I doubt it was just because of her Pro-Choice views. He knew a "squishy" (Knowles lingo) when he sees one. 

Thanks to this segment: 

I highly doubt McEnany will ever be on another segment alongside Tomi anytime soon. 

Knowles' take on it a few months back: 




Edited by Alkpaz
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32 minutes ago, endgameaddiction said:

lol So using profanity is against LL rules. Yeah, I saw your comment over there. I swear LL is turning into twitter. Maybe his best buddies are Nexus moderators. Or maybe those rules only apply to the people they don't like.

We're gonna find out because I quoted him in a PM to Ashal.  It might not make a difference but they're not gonna publicly call me on rule they just pulled out of their authoritarian asses.  If I was Ashal I would have fired DocSax and CPU a year ago.  They don't have what it takes to be moderators.

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4 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

OH! Sign me the fuck up right now!  :XD:


Cry me a river


we have not been able to update our Premium Membership pricing since 2013 because doing so breaks many different elements of the billing and Premium membership system which we have no control over as the code is not ours.

also, quick... anyone that wants a premium account!  August 3rd ends lifetime!  :P
(I wonder if they raised the price over previous cost ...hum)  Ah the perpetual subscription model that has become oh so much loved by the tech industry. :(

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3 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

lol So using profanity is against LL rules. Yeah, I saw your comment over there. I swear LL is turning into twitter. Maybe his best buddies are Nexus moderators. Or maybe those rules only apply to the people they don't like.

What the.... !? 🤭

I learned most of the cuss words I know on LL! 🤣😆😆😆

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3 hours ago, Kendo 2 said:

We're gonna find out because I quoted him in a PM to Ashal.  It might not make a difference but they're not gonna publicly call me on rule they just pulled out of their authoritarian asses.  If I was Ashal I would have fired DocSax and CPU a year ago.  They don't have what it takes to be moderators.

What .. where.. I have used profanity recently ... wonder if they said something to me.. (haven't seen anything)

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21 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Dropped Pinterest after having an account with them for 4 years. They have always been a lefty site, but after logging in and telling me to go and select a pronoun, that was the final straw. Not going to support SJW bs.

Haven't logged in myself for a long time. Though I'd demand the "pronoun": Empress of Earth. 🤣

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