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Kendo 2

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1 hour ago, Kendo 2 said:

driven by personal greed, oppressing their own population, expansionistic, camps and 'reeducation' for undesirables, religious persecution, political opposition not allowed, it's for your own good, etc.

All that and more, but none of that is done in the name of communist ideology. The regime wants sheeple that fears and obeys state policies without questioning. People are obviously allowed to accumulate as much wealth as they desire as long as they're obedient. In other words, it's a capitalist regime with a tightly controlled, oppressed society. Not to mention that it's an expansionist regime as well, and has been gaining power and influence over many foreign countries all around the world in the past two decades.

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I'm still scratching my head at this. And someone else made a comment on YT about it. at 0;18 a semi truck impacts a red SUV that made an illegal right turn. Then all of a sudden a red pickup truck is impacted by the semi and starting rolling. But where the hell did it come from? Some claim it was on the left side of the semi, but that makes no sense because if that were the case, it would've impacted the red SUV that ends up to the left of the semi.


Tell me I'm not going crazy here? O.o

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5 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

I'm still scratching my head at this. And someone else made a comment on YT about it. at 0;18 a semi truck impacts a red SUV that made an illegal right turn. Then all of a sudden a red pickup truck is impacted by the semi and starting rolling. But where the hell did it come from? Some claim it was on the left side of the semi, but that makes no sense because if that were the case, it would've impacted the red SUV that ends up to the left of the semi.


Tell me I'm not going crazy here? O.o

Had to watch it a couple times in slow motion myself. Yeah, that red truck appears out of nowhere! 🤣

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14 hours ago, ritualclarity said:

Thats Racist GIF


Sorry, momentary SJW insanity... .It has passed. :P


Why, it's most definitely racist. The kind of obnoxious behavior and gang culture depicted in the video as a "black thing" (see the guy saying "I'm white" and pretending that he's immune to it) has in fact got nothing to do with race. You can find similar examples of both in every single continent in the world regardless of race, from South America to Europe/Asia. The jargon/slang they use may be different due to cultures and languages but the chimp genes combined with high testosterone and an uneducated, ignorant mind, always result in same kind of obnoxious, violent behavior.

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"In a video interview, U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar told KGNS the decision comes from the Federal Government as it tries to send available Border Patrol agents to Del Rio due to the influx of migrants.

It’s been an overwhelming situation for Del Rio officials to handle for the past 48 hours.

More than 12,000 migrants, mostly from Haiti, have been gathering under the international bridge between Del Rio and Ciudad Acuña, Mexico. Officials are scrambling to bring reinforcements from across the country.

The checkpoints in Laredo have been left unmanned since 6 p.m. Friday, where BP agents were reassigned to Del Rio according to Congressman Cuellar.

People can still drive in and out of Laredo, this just means the checkpoints are bypassed."

For people that don't live in Texas, I-35 goes straight through the middle of Texas up to Canada. That highway starts in Laredo. So, to have those checkpoints unmanned is very very cringe. Laredo is also the largest inland port in the US, it is second to Los Angeles, California in terms of trade. It is now open season to anyone wanting to run drugs/guns/little girls/illegals into the US. 

"Hector Garza, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, and President of the Laredo Border Patrol Union spoke to KGNS at the I-35 checkpoint Friday night during a live News broadcast.

“It’s so unfortunate that the cartels are getting a free pass throughout these checkpoints in Laredo and at the Del Rio checkpoints,” Garza said."

"Unfortunate"? Now, you see how our own media downplays it. 

To think, we still have a little over 3 more years of this.

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11 minutes ago, Alkpaz said:


"In a video interview, U.S. Rep. Henry Cuellar told KGNS the decision comes from the Federal Government as it tries to send available Border Patrol agents to Del Rio due to the influx of migrants.

It’s been an overwhelming situation for Del Rio officials to handle for the past 48 hours.

More than 12,000 migrants, mostly from Haiti, have been gathering under the international bridge between Del Rio and Ciudad Acuña, Mexico. Officials are scrambling to bring reinforcements from across the country.

The checkpoints in Laredo have been left unmanned since 6 p.m. Friday, where BP agents were reassigned to Del Rio according to Congressman Cuellar.

People can still drive in and out of Laredo, this just means the checkpoints are bypassed."

For people that don't live in Texas, I-35 goes straight through the middle of Texas up to Canada. That highway starts in Laredo. So, to have those checkpoints unmanned is very very cringe. Laredo is also the largest inland port in the US, it is second to Los Angeles, California in terms of trade. It is now open season to anyone wanting to run drugs/guns/little girls/illegals into the US. 

"Hector Garza, Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council, and President of the Laredo Border Patrol Union spoke to KGNS at the I-35 checkpoint Friday night during a live News broadcast.

“It’s so unfortunate that the cartels are getting a free pass throughout these checkpoints in Laredo and at the Del Rio checkpoints,” Garza said."

"Unfortunate"? Now, you see how our own media downplays it. 

To think, we still have a little over 3 more years of this.

Why don't the US government put an add in the local Mexican and South American newspapers stating free trade port through there. ? They basically did with this becoming publicly announced. 

What are the National Guard for?  I am sure they can be used to monitor the boarder along with a border patrol agent. (Give support) like they do for the police during BLM actions when they were getting out of control.  Why leave something completely open?  Whatever drugs they are on... I definitely don't want any.  It makes them stupid.

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2 hours ago, Alkpaz said:

As to why I think the national guard has not been called out.... optics. It would look bad to send the military out since it would give the Left all the fuel it needs to call out xenophobia. 

The National Guard shouldn't be involved with the  border security directly. However, they can monitor the traffic coming and going from the country.  Monitor the checkpoint.  There should be a couple of actual Border Patrol officers to handle any details regarding immigration or other such  matters.

The National Guard could also help secure the area where a very large group of people are at.  Security, not enforcement or detainment. Sure some might try to point out this and that but the gov and press needs to make it clear their orders are for safety not immigration enforcement.

Lets be honest, 10,000 people and more coming is a dangerous situation. They are getting desperate. People can get hurt and even killed among that group.  The National Guard IMO is properly suited in this situation. Provided they are given correct and proper instructions.

We had some here where I live because of danger posed to the civilian pop. They stood there, directed the large groups of people out of the zones and secured the zones where they were.  Police were being abused but not the National Guard.  I seen some videos of the actions and they did a very good job. the mayor came on the news and stated they were there for public protection. Some people were pissed because their stores were being looted. Complained but that wasn't their orders to protect property, only people. they are trained for that very purpose.

I do understand your point of view and perhaps some SJW will try to make it something else. They can go fuck themselves. People can't let them control their actions and prevent common sense steps to make sure everything is safe for them.  you know the very second someone dies they will be all over the news about how nothing was done to make them safe.  You can't fight with stupid. They will beat you with their experience.

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Jumped on Skyrim. Here I am on my necromancer Dunmer with my thrall collecting alchemy ingredients and I saw three Thalmor and a Nord prisoner walking towards Helgen. I remembered there is a Stormcloak camp right up ahead so I decided to park near some Stormcloaks that patrol near the road. I was looking forward to seeing the Thalmor and Stormcloaks clash.

Bethesda: Why would we do that? That's boring. No. Let them be friendly to one another instead. Because that's more immersive. It completely makes sense.




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@endgameaddiction I wonder if it would make any difference it they were Imperial soldiers instead of the Thalmor.

There are too many idiotic and annoying things in this game, yours is just one example. For instance, the fact that this bloody courier can easily find you whenever he needs, even when you're supposed to be invisible, in fact, there are many instances in which NPCs can initiate dialogue with you (force greet) when you're invisible. This shit happens because the idiots at Bugthesda forgot to add a condition to check for player invisibility, or they just simply didn't give a fuck. Or for instance, when you keep running into that old orc with his two saber cats in Solstheim, despite the fact that there's not a single saber cat to be found on this damn island. I guess he brings them with him wherever he goes, to show off. I fully expect to see much more of these retarded shit in their future games.

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4 hours ago, bjornk said:

@endgameaddiction I wonder if it would make any difference it they were Imperial soldiers instead of the Thalmor.

There are too many idiotic and annoying things in this game, yours is just one example. For instance, the fact that this bloody courier can easily find you whenever he needs, even when you're supposed to be invisible, in fact, there are many instances in which NPCs can initiate dialogue with you (force greet) when you're invisible. This shit happens because the idiots at Bugthesda forgot to add a condition to check for player invisibility, or they just simply didn't give a fuck. Or for instance, when you keep running into that old orc with his two saber cats in Solstheim, despite the fact that there's not a single saber cat to be found on this damn island. I guess he brings them with him wherever he goes, to show off. I fully expect to see much more of these retarded shit in their future games.

Saw a Youtube vid sort of along these lines a week or so ago. It was comparing Fallout New Vegas to FO3. In terms of quests. Obsidian had a very limited time and created a whole heaping load of quests in the much smaller FONV setting when compared to FO3. Nothing new really, just more confirmation that Bugthesda is extremely poorly managed. That and they don't give a damn. At this point I'm kind of seeing why. If idiots line up to buy this crap every time, why should they care? Just push out some mostly unfinished crap, get sales, and Todd can get another fleet of maxed out Teslas. Rinse, repeat. 🤣


That said, I believe there's a mod to fix that. 😆

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In other Vac related news... 


Thanks to Pat Gray (The Blaze) for the link.

There is this beauty too:


"The problem with this is that over 80% of hospitalizations and deaths appear to be occurring among those who have received the jabs, but this reality is hidden by the way cases are defined and counted. A really clever and common strategy of the CDC during the pandemic has been to change the definitions and goalposts so it supports their nefarious narrative."

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Another glimpse of the future... with Gen-Z... and mind you, these are supposed to be university students, future scientists and engineers etc.

"the concept of file folders and directories, essential to previous generations’ understanding of computers, is gibberish to many modern students"


Now, think of all the brilliant scientific advancements and perhaps programs and video games etc. this generation will come up with... and despair.


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On 9/25/2021 at 11:16 PM, Kendo 2 said:


I know I've beat this drum before but my favorite example of this foolishness is Gillette. A company that sells shaving products. Yes. A common, everyday product, nothing to do with politics...
Gillette ran their Toxic Masculinity ads on TV, during (get this!) NFL football broadcasts. In the following quarter they reported HALF A BILLION dollars in lost sales! Sales from competing companies , such as Harry's and Costco's Kirkland brand, suddenly went through the roof. AND consumers discovered their prices were better so most customers haven't gone back to Gillette! And the little, wormy Gillette CEO doubled down, later stating that he had zero regrets and still defended the commercials. Bet there were some pretty interesting shareholder meetings after that...

$350 mln. in 6 Months — The Cost of the 2019 Gillette Advertising Fiasco? | by Georgi Georgiev | Medium

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10 minutes ago, vancleef said:

I know I've beat this drum before but my favorite example of this foolishness is Gillette. A company that sells shaving products. Yes. A common, everyday product, nothing to do with politics...
Gillette ran their Toxic Masculinity ads on TV, during (get this!) NFL football broadcasts. In the following quarter they reported HALF A BILLION dollars in lost sales! Sales from competing companies , such as Harry's and Costco's Kirkland brand, suddenly went through the roof. AND consumers discovered their prices were better so most customers haven't gone back to Gillette! And the little, wormy Gillette CEO doubled down, later stating that he had zero regrets and still defended the commercials. Bet there were some pretty interesting shareholder meetings after that...

$350 mln. in 6 Months — The Cost of the 2019 Gillette Advertising Fiasco? | by Georgi Georgiev | Medium

That's what you get when you fuck with your customer base. Keep it true and honor those that have been loyal and most of the time they will be loyal back. Start fucking with them and they will start saying "Fuck you" and leave.

The real stupid thing is there is ways to expand your business and customer base without offending. Also there are plenty of ways to add some alternate lifestiles and the such into mainstream media, just make it meaningful and not shove it down someone's throat. Speaking of that, CD Project Red fucked up on that account when they added strong SJW elements into their Cyberpunk 2077 when they already had a proven process to add various lifestyles and such into their games through Witcher 3. It basically covered most if not all of the LGBTQ alphabet group and did so in an entertaining and meaningful way.

Lazyness and stupidity is the only answer to why this is happening now. 

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