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Bethesda announces "Creation Club" (Paid Mods)


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@Kendo 2

I have moments where I say stupid shit when I've reached a point of frustration and just spew out things I probably should keep to myself. So I apologize if I pissed anyone off.


I think so too. I'm sure they'll remove from having these ccBSA files from being installed into your system in the future. I think in the next update they'll roll out the wizard to acquire these ccBSA files and uninstall them before doing an update. Like you would see from any standard software you update that takes the old version and removes it before installing the latest version. There's no way a console system could handle all these unused BSAs hogging up space. It defeats the purpose of limited console space. Really don't know what the hell they were thinking there.


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4 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

Fair enough. But I do say some really offensive shit at times and thought that I went overboard (as I have in the past in LL).

That's why staff personal preferences should NEVER be considered a valid moderation tool.  If you want to go overboard then fucking do it.  Don't censor yourself out the fear of what the staff here might do, because we aren't going to do anything.  We simply don't care. ^_^

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56 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:


You didn't piss anyone off, and so what if you did?  What you said about Bethesda modding being mainstream (and what that implies) just hit me where I didn't think I could be hit.  I'm a fucking normie, or the fruits at Nexus and LL made something I enjoy doing normalized, commercialized, cheap, etc.

Yes, @endgameaddiction so what if you pissed off someone here. This isn't a 6th grade class in some prissy upper class neighborhood where everybody get a gold start if they come to school... and if you don't but really, really wanted to. State your mind here and get used to it. Don't hold back. If at the end of the day everyone here has all their appendages... especially the most important one.. :P then it is a good day!

I loved how you kicked @Kendo 2 right in the nut sack.. that was worth the price of admission. :P lol. Wow.. I don't think I have seen anyone hit him that hard ... ever... ;)

@Kendo 2 yea... you are a fucking normie.. :D you have gotten old and you aren't the bad ass you thought you were... (except when creating textures and meshes...Wow...you ... well are awesome there, regardless of being a normie..   :P) lol


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I'm not sure if it was intentional by CDPR, but their 10th year anniversary video was perfect timing when CC was officially up. It just bumped them up more credibility points. Slick move CDPR, slick move.

And at this point, I think more people are becoming more aware of who they are. Some people blabbering about CP2077 think that it's going to be exactly like W3. No clue that it'll be a open world sandbox RPG.

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2 hours ago, endgameaddiction said:

 Some people blabbering about CP2077 think that it's going to be exactly like W3. No clue that it'll be a open world sandbox RPG.

To be honest I'm not all that excited about that game, it probably *won't* be an open-world sandbox RPG and I have a feeling that it will disappoint many people who expect something like TW3. Keep in mind that they are aiming for a bigger game than TW3 but at the same time it's going to be released on XBOX One and PS4 as well. Considering the limitations of these consoles, I doubt it'll be something groundbreaking either. It'll quite possibly be a "meh, more of the same"...


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I think next year will be the year they start to talk about CP2077 with Gwent out of the way, but we'll see eventually. I think regardless if it's more like Witcher, I'll still give it a chance.

@Kendo 2

Yeah, I took a liking to this guy from his bashing Bethesda and Creation Club. He's right up there with Rags for me. And as for mod reviewers, I prefer Brodul out of all of them.

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11 hours ago, bjornk said:

To be honest I'm not all that excited about that game, it probably *won't* be an open-world sandbox RPG and I have a feeling that it will disappoint many people who expect something like TW3. Keep in mind that they are aiming for a bigger game than TW3 but at the same time it's going to be released on XBOX One and PS4 as well. Considering the limitations of these consoles, I doubt it'll be something groundbreaking either. It'll quite possibly be a "meh, more of the same"...


I will be honest... I loved Witcher 3 after forcing myself to learn and get use to the mechanics. It is a deep and rich game. 2077 is based off the game and CDPR is doing it right by having the author part of the development process. If they put the love and care into the game it will be great. Now, It might not be liked by me to be honest, however, in reality in today's time and age, it doesn't have to be. If a company does an excellent job with story, mechanics, graphics and such and develops their skills and show genuine care and concern... then it is a champ regardless of if it as moddability, or liked by me personally.

In reality, so long as they show the care they gave WW3, I will likely buy it regardless. I will do this to support them and their work because they deserve to be supported in a time when other companies treat their customers like a number (or shit depending on your point of view) I personally believe they will put in the effort and quality that they have shown in the past so I am confident that it will be a winner(awards and such)

I would like to have the game next year... however, it if takes them 2 more years... that is fine as well. Then at least they won't be releasing a game MEA style. ;)

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Yeah, I've always agreed with Pete on that point. Just because someone made a free version of Chinese stealth armor and Enclave Hell Fire armor doesn't by any means interpret as they're the original creator of the idea. Bethesda can rightfully so upload their original version converted to Fallout 4 and it doesn't count as unoriginal. The only thing the modder can claim theirs is the mesh and texture work. Do I think it's right? no. I think of it as a low blow to the mod community. They lost that argument. Those twitter soldiers are aiming at Pete with the butt end of the rifle and Pete is pulling the trigger. -smh

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But the moment you make your IP work with Bethesda proprietary processes (like rigging it to their skeleton), they think they own it.  Why else would there be a Skyrim64bit with a carbon copy license of the FO4 one?  Skyrim32bit doesn't have the 'we own it all' provisions like the 64bit version does.  Bethesda.net, mods on consoles, reissuing EULAs, the Creation Club...all of that built up what Bethesda has now; total control when they wish over FO4 and SkyrimSE modded content.

The solution is simple; uninstall the games and never look back.

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I didn't know that about the skeleton, but it does make perfect sense.

Would this apply to mods outside of Bethnet, or only mods uploaded there? Because if it also applies outside of Bethnet, then this can result into a bigger problem in the future.

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The only solution is to not upload stuff you make publicly where Bethesda can get their hands on it.  But a modder could always assign a preexisting license to the original works (render models and associated textures).  That license at instance of creation would legally supersede any claim by Bethesda.  An author could issue a DMCA take down on them, since the review process doesn't allow potential thieves to benefit during the review process.  Bethesda would likely counter-sue and try to win in litigation what they can't trick or bluff people out of.

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This probably may make me sound like I'm paranoid or being hyperbolic, but at this point, I think I rather trust No-Bark and his wild conspiracies than being delusion loyal dog still thinking at this point that Bethesda has love for their fans and would never do them wrong.

If someone were to create a Fallout 4 or SSE mod and upload it to Nexus, and then they decide to release the very same mod for console players and uploads it to Bethnet, they have forfeited their rights to the mod and that belongs to Bethesda now. At any given moment Bethesda could contact Dark0ne, or any site owner that mod is on, and demand their IP be removed, if Bethesda really wanted to. It's a possibility. And while it may sound crazy, I think at this point, Bethesda is bound to do anything. Even have mod sites shut down to get their way. Because if Bethesda really wanted to, they could order all the mods that belong to Bethesda be removed and realistically if a site owner doesn't want to face lawsuits, they would opt out, rather than send out notices and announcements to the community for them to remove them. Because some modders may have up and left while others are just away for a while due to real life or something. We know how Bethesda loves to flex their muscles and don't shy from using legal force since they've done so in the past.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I believe it's definitely a possibility if Bethesda really had the urge to do so for what ever reasons.

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I don't think Bethesda would do that for any existing game and I don't think they're really taking the Creation Club seriously at this point.

What I think will eventually happen; the NEXT Bethesda release will have 'closed' modding to where everything will be on BethNet and that will be it in totality.  Both Skyrim and FO4 were already on the market and being modded before BethNet was fully functional.  That won't be the case with Starfield or whatever cluster-fuck they come up with next.  All of the infrastructure will be in place when the next game is released, so why would they allow sites like Steam or Nexus to host mods?  That's just it...I think they won't.  ALL mods would be filtered through BethNet so they could be adapted to the console market and turned into mini-dlc microtransactions.

Look at it this way, Bethesda has already lost the battle of public opinion and the level of scorn has grown beyond what fanboys and sympathetic game forum staffs can counteract.  Everyone knows Bethesda sucks and by the tone of Pete Hines' tweets about the Creation Club he's just smiling and dismissing people out of hand.  He's towing the corporate line and they don't fucking care.

One way to fix this condescending Bethesda bullshit is to rip the next game they release apart.  Do a repeat of Mass Effect Andromeda on them.  Don't give them a free pass on their broken, poorly written 'mods will fix it' game.  And when people like Gopher, TotalBiscut and AngryJoe praise it (like we all know they will) you tear them apart on social media.  It isn't a matter of if Bethesda releases a broken game, but when.  And when that happens, decimate them.  Bethesda is fresh out of goodwill at this point anyway.

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1 hour ago, endgameaddiction said:

If someone were to create a Fallout 4 or SSE mod and upload it to Nexus, and then they decide to release the very same mod for console players and uploads it to Bethnet, they have forfeited their rights to the mod and that belongs to Bethesda now. At any given moment Bethesda could contact Dark0ne, or any site owner that mod is on, and demand their IP be removed, if Bethesda really wanted to. It's a possibility.

Or some asshole may simply take your mod from Nexus and upload it to Bethnet, without even your permission. It has happened before, will happen again. I agree with Kendo however, that even though there's always a slight possibility, I still doubt that they'd attack free versions of SSE or FO4 mods. That would do more harm than good for them.


30 minutes ago, Kendo 2 said:

One way to fix this condescending Bethesda bullshit is to rip the next game they release apart.  Do a repeat of Mass Effect Andromeda on them.  Don't give them a free pass on their broken, poorly written 'mods will fix it' game.  And when people like Gopher, TotalBiscut and AngryJoe praise it (like we all know they will) you tear them apart on social media.  It isn't a matter of if Bethesda releases a broken game, but when.  And when that happens, decimate them.  Bethesda is fresh out of goodwill at this point anyway.

I doubt that the reaction to the next Bethesda game with a closed modding environment would be that strong. Bioware fans didn't know that the next ME game would be this bad. Fans of the previous Bethesda games however, at least the ones who are intelligent enough to see them for what they are, have already realized that the quality of their games was going downhill, and have either lost their interest or lowered their expectations. The remaining bunch are okay with shit games like FO4 anyway and can probably live without mods. And I wouldn't even be surprised if, perhaps due to a possible engine change, Bethesda stopped supporting mods entirely. They've been selling more copies of their games on consoles anyway, so I doubt that they'd consider supporting PC modding a necessity.  

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Since Skyrim and their Hearthfire DLC and Fallout 4 and their workshop + minecraft house building, I can see Bethesda making more of the same and other features to try and keep people as long as possible into their games with the inclusion of CCmods. But as we see stand at this moment, nothing up there adds playability. Not for the average mod users who have been modding their games for a long time. If they want to be the emporium of mods in their next iterations they are going to have to consider doing more. I suspect they will.

I personally do not think there is any salvation for the mod community in their next TES and Fallout game. I think that golden era has come to an end for Bethesda games. I think what we once had great before the 2015 paid mods fiasco has withered away. It's never been the same since then. Those days are over and we've seen the mod community slowly collapsing as people have defended the idea of paid mods and do so with CC. Bethesda's audience aren't strong enough to know what needs to be done. I think they have way too many loyal fans who are going to always fully support Bethesda. And even if some of them leave, they'll acquire new fans to fill in that empty space. Whether that's on console, but more so on PC. Because since when have they gave a flying turd about PC? Fanboys will argue by saying "bruh, but we got Creation kit" yeah... well that's there so the lazy devs can kick back and not fix the pc version but let the community do it for them. And for free without lifting a finger after a few shitty official patches.

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8 hours ago, bjornk said:

I doubt that the reaction to the next Bethesda game with a closed modding environment would be that strong. Bioware fans didn't know that the next ME game would be this bad. Fans of the previous Bethesda games however, at least the ones who are intelligent enough to see them for what they are, have already realized that the quality of their games was going downhill, and have either lost their interest or lowered their expectations. The remaining bunch are okay with shit games like FO4 anyway and can probably live without mods. And I wouldn't even be surprised if, perhaps due to a possible engine change, Bethesda stopped supporting mods entirely. They've been selling more copies of their games on consoles anyway, so I doubt that they'd consider supporting PC modding a necessity.  

I believe in order to get the tools for modding you will have to be a member of Betnet. It is a very good likelyhood at this point in time. No free random download. You will have to be a member, perhaps a participating member of the site to get the "privilege" to have that tool. This would minimize the "random element" a bit more than it is currently. They already seem to be moving in that direction and have been for some time.

They will have mods, likely free ones and the such at least for the next one or two releases. This can generate more interest in the game and people learning and doing mods. They then can "tempt" them with money to upload some cheap but likely popular microtransaction mods. In fact, there might be people that like that way of doing things. A few hours on a computer, wip out some semi acceptable armor or other mod (less than 10 hours) and get some cash and move on. No need to monitor or support users etc, etc.


I think what we once had great before the 2015 paid mods fiasco has withered away. It's never been the same since then.

Yes, many very skilled members have said fuck you and moved on not to be seen again due to that horrible event. Shame of it is if Bethesda didn't do that crap and came out with the CC now, the reception might have been better. It might have had some more members of skill that would have done a few hours of work to get some $$$ pay off.

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It's hard not to believe otherwise. Whether he does it to maintaining his line of bot fanbase, or he truly is that naive, these are the people who will keep Bethesda and the alike alive in the game industry.

It's good to see more youtubers rebel against Bethesda. I did my part in 2015-2016 in LL and that didn't get the message through to many. Now it's 2017 and holy son of a gun, "Bethesda is evill" Well no shit. And that's followed by "but I don't know what we should do."

Yep, we're the cynical pricks over here, but at least we have a leveled head and our feet on the ground while they're still being played by Bethesda and acting like it's their first time being cheated on. I only expect them to always play the victim card one after another while bashing anyone who hates on Bethesda. That's why I'm glad this happened. 

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

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First... mod authors fix Bethesda's games.

Second... mod authors fix Bethesda's DLCs.

Third ... (now) mod authors have taken to fixing Creation Content. :(



WTF... someone is fixing a paid Mod and making it better which ... forces someone to have to pay 5 dollars to get the original content then download the fixes and add it to the game to get the end result.

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Not really force, but rather convince to buy paid mods because modders will fix it. That's a whole new level of fixin'. I agree, this is retarded. As if spending countless hours fixing a game the game developers have no desire to dedicate to fixing as much as possible wasn't bad enough. I'm telling you, Bethesda fan boys are in a whole different scale of retardation. They will find all sorts of ways to excuse everything Bethesda does.

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